青春未来的演讲稿英语 篇1
  The swallow, will come back again. The willow will be green again; Peachblossom thanks, have open again. But, dear friends, the youth, is never toreturn.
  What is youth? Youth is a fire, burning the most fiery passion, I hetemperature around you; Youth is a song, sing most passionate melody, let themusic world. Youth is a rain, release the hearty personality, the comfortableand into the heart.
  Youth, as people the best time of life, carrying the hope and the dreamthat too much. Youth is running hard, gorgeous fall after the brave stand up,continue to run. We use blood in the stage of youth is wanton act, screaming,sweat, with the courage to do the only we didn't dare to do at this age. Even iffall, also want to fall in the most beautiful posture! Yes, because of have,exciting youth, so mayday from had an underground development to the presentAsian group, on the first day on the music rushes out a slice of heaven andearth; Because of have,
exciting youth, so towards the sunshine, with li Yangfrom the failure of inferiority to the public, give the American people sincethe with fluent English. I admire such people, because they make the youth floatin the sky, they to strive, to strive, to create their own beautifultomorrow.
  But not everyone can like mayday, like li Yang can grasp so precious theperishable youth. In some people, willing to mediocrity, muddle along, neverthought about what live to; Some people want to dry out a career, but cannotpluck up the courage to do, step out the first step on the road to success, alsoled to the final. YueFeiCeng said: "the mo, white young head, in vain." Dearfriends, do you really want to in the escape, spend your youth in mediocrity,losing in the process of pursuing dream happy, let youth folding wing?
  I appreciate such a word - even if you don't succeed, you also can't beblank. So I try to, I struggle, I hope in the university four years, make publicyouth, be yourself, live a good, live out the value. So, dear friends, let ustogether, with new confidence, we tried to come up with enthusiasm to pursuetheir dreams of our youth. Can let us in the future when universit
y graduatelooking back again, can have no regret to myself: "I don't have a dull, regretthe youth."
  My friends, let our youth fly in the sun.
青春未来的演讲稿英语 篇2
但是你没有  青春如烟花般绚丽多彩,虽烟花的一瞬是灿烂,但过后便灰飞烟灭。青春如流星般深不可测,虽流星的一瞬是祈愿,但过后便悄然无声。
青春未来的演讲稿英语 篇3
  我未来电费道路还很远很远,只要坚持训练 我一定会成功的“分享青春、共筑未来”那是我奋斗的目标。坚持是快乐的,站在那道白的起跑线上,向未来的终点线冲去吧!让我们一起分享青春,共同筑就美好的未来!