初二上Unit 2 How often do you exercise?同步测试题
1. How was the weather yesterday?—It rained_____. People could ____ go out.
A. hardly; hard
B. hard; hard
C. hardly; hardly
D. hard ; hardly
2. ---How often do you dance?—I dance ____ a week.
A. once and twice times格造句
热唇草B. two and three times
C. one or two
D. once or twice
3. – What does Mary do on weekends? --- She usually ____ the Internet at home.
A. use
B. go on
C. uses
D. goes on
4. Lily is a good student. She ____ late for school.
A. is hardly
B. isn’t never
C. is often
D. is always
5.--____ hours do you exercise every day? --- Three .
A. How long
B. How far C . How many D. How much
6. His father __ a doctor.
A. wants him to be
B. wants to him be
C. want to be him
D. want to him be
7. I think the best way to keep healthy is ___ exercise.
A. for
B. through
C. in
D. with
8. Mo Yan is a Chinese ____. He won a Nobel Prize(诺贝尔奖) in2012.
A. writer
B. teacher
C. dentist
D. actor.
9. ____ hamburgers are junk food, ____ many children like them.
A. Although; /
B. Although; but
C. Because; /
D. Because; so
10. I’m getting fatter and fatter. – You should eat ___ meat and do ___ exercise.
A. more; more
B. more; less
C. less; less
D. less; more
11.____ the man is a worker. A. May be B. Maybe C. May D. Be
12. Don’t ____ too late, or you’ll be tired during daytime.
A. get up
B. set up
C. stay up
D. show up
13. She often gives her baby ____ to eat
A. healthy something
B. healthy anything
C. something healthy
D. something health
14. ___ were you away from Shanghai last year? – About two weeks.
A. How often
B. How soon
C. How long7月15禁忌
D. How far
15. I often spend much time ____my grandparents. A. in B. with C. in D. to
16. Forty percent of the students ____ girls . A. is B. are C. be D. am
17. Here ___ the results of the people’s favorite supermarkets in the city.
四级英语作文范文A. have
B. has
C. is
D. are
18.Tom’s mother asks him _____ the room.
A. clean
B. cleans
C. to clean
D. to cleans
19. This book is ______ of pictures. It’s fit(适合) for children.
how to keep healthyA. Different
B. Real
C. Popular
D. Full
20. Don’t eat too much junk food. It’s bad for your ______.
A. Mouth B, mind C. Health D. Head
21.It’s raining hard now. ______, I still want to shopping with my friends.
A. So
B. Because
C. However
D. Then
22.David is interested in sports, ______ basketball, tennis and ping-pong.
A. Such as
B. Because of
C. All in all
D. Lots of
23.---Why do you feel so tired today?
---Oh, I selpt ______ five hours last night.
A. Less than
B. Many more
C. More than
D. Many less
24.My daughter plays the piano ______, usually on Monday and Wednesday.
A. Once a week
B. Twice a week
C. Once a month
D. Twice month
25.Everyone needs to have ______ eight hours’ sleep at night.
A. At least
B. At last
C. At all
D. At home
Mrs Green is an old woman. She is 74 years old. Although she is old, she is very healthy and looks ___26__. Why? Because she has a healthy lifestyle(生活方式).
Mrs Green often exercises. She goes shopping three __27__ a week on foot. She thinks __28__is good for health. Mrs Green has a(n) __29__. Every morning she takes ____30__oms.
Mrs Green has a __32__ eating habit. She eats vegetables every day. She eats meat once a week. She drinks milk and eats eggs __33__ breakfast. She eats an apple ev ery day. She often says," Eating an apple every day is good for health.”
Sometimes Mrs Green ___34__TV after dinner. Her favorite __35____ is Healthy living. S
he doesn't like soap operas(肥皂剧). She often goes to bed at nine thirty. She sleeps for eight hours every night.
26.A. Old B. Young C. Sad D. Thin
27.A. Names B. Prices C. Months D. Times
28.A. Walking B. Sleeping C. Dancing D. Running
29.A. Cat B. Panda C. Elephant D. Dog
30.A. His B. Your C. Her D. My
31.A. Gives B. Cleans C. Makes D. Asksqq名女
32.A. Bad B. Terrible C. Good D. Busy
33.A. For B. From C. With D. Of
34.A. Tells B. Reads C. Looks D. Watches
35.A. Story B. Question C. Program D. Activity
Running is more popular these days. Many of us run for our health. Doctors say
many health problems come from these bad habits: eating and drinking too much, smoking(吸烟) and not taking enough exercise. Doctors tell us, "Eat and drink less, don't smoke, and exercise more."
Running is a kind of exercise because it helps build a healthy body. It also helps most people become(变得) thin. One 68-year-old woman runs three times a week. "I love eating," she says. She runs to become thin.