Unit2  Topic3
SectionA 基础知识检测
1. To keep the children safe成都限行规则all the workers are trying their best to b      the bridge.
2. The students study harder and harder. F      , their dreams came true.
3. Many young students like working on the I        for a long time. It’s bad for their eyes.
4. — Excuse me, where is Miss Hu, Liu Ming? I have some q        to ask her.
—She is in the office.
5. We should do our best to p        宏观调控的作用 all kinds of diseases.
. 单项选择。
(  ) 1. —May I use your bike, Jim?
— Sure,         .
A. go ahead      B. you can ask Bill
C. you can’t      D. that’s all right
(  ) 2. — Must I take part in the activity?
—No, you         . You’re too young.
A. mustn’t        B. don’t
C. don’t have to    D. don’t need
(  ) 3. You’d better wash your hands before meals 春节的饮食文化        you healthy.
A. keep              B. kept
C. keeping        D. to keep
(  ) 4. — How should we fight the flu?
—We should do more         and change clothes often.
A. exercises          B. exercise
C. practice      D. homework
(  ) 5. —The meeting is starting. I’m afraid we         leave now.
— OK. Let’s go.
A. must        B. have to        C. can        D. may
. 1 build 2. Finally 3. Internet 4. questions 5. prevent
1. A
2. Cmust猫可以吃芒果吗引发的普通疑问句,其否定回答用needn’tdon’t have to
3. D考查动词不定式作目的状语。
4. B exercise逆向推理作“运动”解时,是不可数名词。
5. B musthave to的区别是must表示主观缘由,而how to keep healthyhave to表示客观缘由。根据句意,应选B