How to keep healthy
What is the most important thing in the world? I think it is health. You can take away our money, house, car, or even our clothes and we can survive. But if our health was taken away, we would surely die. That is why we always try to eat in a healthy way and exercise regularly. Health plays an important role in our life all the time. Good health is everything for everybody anytime. Nowadays more and more people are concerned about their health. But how to keep healthy , Different people may give different answers to this question. In my opinion, It is necessary to do the following: First of all, a health balanced diet is most important. we should often eat a lot of vegetables and fresh fruit which are full of vitamins, avoid eating food high in fat . Eat natural food as possible as you could and far away from food with hormones color materials and additives. Many students like to eat westen foods. These foods taste very good, but they are not good for our health. In additions, getting rid of bad habits of smoking and drinking alcohol is also important idea to keep healthy. Unfortunately few people can obey this advice. In order to keeping health, It is very necessary to take more exercises everyday.. Some people take more ex
ercise such as yoga or Tai Ji. While others run, jog, walk, dance to music. In the afternoon, here are many

people keep on sports in park. Some play basketball, football, volleyball or table tennis. Therefore this people become healthier and stronger. As far as I know, good mood can increase the body’s ability to fight disease and cann’t lead to serious health problems. It may be the best medicine to cure illness. I do suggest fifteen minutes of laughter each day. There are several other ways to be able to keep healthy, such as getting enough rest and balancing the time spent working and playing. Some people say it makes them more productive at work and gives them more energy. In a word, health is the first for everybody in the world. Better health always gives us a good emotion we need to react to an urgent situation. It can keep our bodies and minds strong. But it seems that few of people are very concerned the importance of keeping themselves’ health especially in countryside.
How to Keep Healthy
Keep a Balanced Diet Take Exercise Some Other Aspects

A book concerned about keep healthy
• This series provides a simple introduction to the subject of looking after your body and health. • The books cover concepts such as eating well in order to stay fit and healthy, how to avoid getting ill, exercise and the benefits of staying fit. • They show how best to look after our bodies as we grow and how we can care for individual body parts, such as teeth, eyes and ears. Simple choices are posed about improving health and wellbeing.

Keep Healthy! (Look After Yourself) Author :Angela Royston

Keep a Balanced Diet
Food Pyramid

• A balanced diet is considered as a more quick and effective way to keep in good health.
• A balanced diet contains the nutrition that an adult need to take in everyday, including the protein, fiber, carbohydrate, sugar. • It can offer the essential energy and strength for you to work and study

Please keep in mind ···
• Proper nutrition is important for good health. Avoid food with lots of sugar and fat. • Say no to junk food. They are harmful .They can increase the risk of developing heart disease and stroke .

Ten kind of healthy food
• Cereals (豆类食品 • Brassicaceous vegetable (十字花科 蔬菜) • Milk (牛奶) • Ocean fish (海鱼) • Seta (菌菇类) • • • • • Tomato (番茄) Carrot (胡萝卜) Green tea (绿茶) Buckwheat (荞麦) Birds, beasts and eggs (禽蛋)

The top list of fruit
• • • • • • • • • • • Optimal fruit 经典喜剧: papaya(木瓜) Orange mandarin orange (橙子) strawberry(草莓) Chinese gooseberry(猕猴桃) mango(芒果) Apple apricot(杏) persimmon(柿子) watermelon.

The top list of vegetables
• • • • • • • • • • • • Optimal vegetables yam(红薯)一年级语文练习题 corn图片欧美 asparagus(芦笋) cauliflower(花椰菜) eggplant(茄子) beet(甜菜) shepherd‘s-purse(荠菜) Potato(土豆)视觉空间 needle mushroom(金针菇) • Yam contains rich vitamin already, it is the hotshot that potherb mustard(雪里蕻) fight cancer, for first all and cabbage(大白菜) vegetable.

Healthy food store

Organic vegetables at a farmer’s market in Argentina

• Now there are healthy food stores in many countries. • A healthy food store is a type of g
rocery store that primarily sells healthy food, local produce, and often nutritional supplements. • healthy food stores often offer foods for people with special dietary needs.

take exercise

• taking exercise is a factor that can make you keep fit. Another function is consume your energy in your healthy which can be convert into the fat and stored in your body

• Joining a gym is one of the best investments you can make in terms of your health. There are health clubs on almost every corner • Remember that balanced fitness includes strength, flexibility . This is best achieved through cross-training. Doing martial arts,yoga are other ways to get very fit and have fun as well. • Also, except for really awful weather conditions, there is still a lot that you can do outdoors, such as swimming, hiking and so on.

Some Other Aspects
• Form the habit of go to bed early and get up early. • keep in a good mind .Whatever difficulties we meet with, we should deal with them in a positive and confident attitude. • Get rid of those bad habits that damage our health, such as drinking and smoking. • ···

• whatever the method you choose, remember that keeping fit is a long way to go that we cannot give up halfway. • Owning a healthy body is our hidden treasure forever.


What is the new influenza A(H1N1)?
• What is the new influenza A(H1N1)? • This is a new influenza A(H1N1) virus that has never before circulated among humans. This virus is not related to previous or current human seasonal influenza viruses.

How do people become infected with the virus?
• The virus is spread from person-to-person. It is transmitted as easily as the normal seasonal flu and can be passed to other people by coughing

What can I do?
• avoid touching your mouth and nose; • clean hands with soap and water, (especially if touching the mouth and nose, or surfaces that are potentially contaminated); • avoid close contact with people who might be ill; • reduce the time spent in crowded settings if possible; • improve airflow in your living space by opening windows; • practise good health habits including adequate sleep, eating nutritious food, and keeping physically active.

how to keep healthyWhat are the signs of infection?

• flu-like, including fever, cough, headache, muscle and joint pain, sore throat and runny n
ose, and sometimes ‘vomiting(呕吐 呕吐)and 呕吐 diarrhoea(腹泻) .

How do I know if I have influenza A(H1N1)?
涂元季• You will not be able to tell the difference between seasonal flu an H1N1 without medical help. Typical signs to watch for are similar to seasonal viruses and include fever, cough, headache, body aches, sore throat and runny nose. Only your medical practitioner and local health authority can confirm a case of influenza A(H1N1).

When should someone seek medical care?
• A person should seek medical care if they experience shortness of breath or difficulty breathing, or if a fever continues more than three days. For parents with a young child who is ill, seek medical care if a child has fast or labored breathing, continuing fever . • Supportive care at home - resting, drinking plenty of water and using a pain reliever - is adequate for recovery in most cases.

Should I go to work if I have the flu but am feeling OK?
• No. • Whether you have influenza A(H1N1) or a seasonal influenza, you should stay home and away from work through the duration of your symptoms. This is a way that can protect your work colleagues and others.