如何保持健康How to keep fit?英语作文
如何保持健康How to keep fit?英语作文(通用23篇)
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如何保持健康How to keep fit?英语作文 篇1
Nowadays,as the living standard improve,more and more people in the state of sub-health.And then people gradually realize the importance of?keeping fit.Different people have different ways to keep fit,in my view,there are three ways to keep fit.They are as follow.
First of all,exercise is the most important way to kit fit.I don’t know whether you discover that most of the ancient people are healthy.The reason is that they have to do labor work every day,which also equal to do exercise every day.If people want to be health,they would better do exercise frequently.As for what kind of exercise should they take,I would say?just depending on themselves.
In addtion,having a good diet is also a good way to keep fit.People in the modern society have many choices to pick food.What people pick the most is meat andhigh caloric food.Those food can easily make people get fat.And then the health problem comes.Therefore ,keeping a good diet is necessary.Keep?a good? die means eating more fruite and vegetables in the meat world.
how to keep healthyThe last but not least is that keeping a good mood is essential in people’s health.It is said that keeping a good mood will lead to a good body.It is true that the people always have a good mood is much healthier than those who always feel sad.
In general,keeping fit needs to do exercise,keep a balance diet and keep a good mood.
如何保持健康How to keep fit?英语作文 篇2
As we all know,healthy is very important to everybody.But do you really know how to stay healthy? Here are some useful tips.
First,we should do exercise if we have time.For example,we can go to swim in the summer holiday.Or we can take a walk after supper.Doing exercise makes us healthy and strong.
Second,we should take more vegetables and fruit and less candies.Stop eating junk food and drinking beers.
Last but not least,we should go to bed early and wake up early.We should have enough sleep,or we will get sleepy in the day time.If we pay more attention to the tips above,we will have healthier body.I wish everybody has a strong and healthy body.
如何保持健康How to keep fit?英语作文 篇3
Nowadays,more and more people are more concerned about their health than theirincome and the methods they take to keep fit varyfromperson to person.For my point of view,there are basic principles to keep fit-reasonable diet,regular work and rest,appropriate exercise and a good mood.
For one thing,I believe that no one will fail to notice the importance of reasonable diet,regular work and rest and appropriate exercise.Only we keep our life regular may we be in good the whole day and keep the disease awayfromus.And doing exercise has an additional effect for our bodies’ normal operation.
For another,keeping a good mood is also essential for us to keep healthy.Some people do not understand why they still feel not well even though their life is regular.That is because they have too much stress in their mind and cannot relieve it,especially when they are in busy,and even some of them do not have any awareness of the influence that their stress brings to them.Therefore,except for the regular life and exercise,we need to keep a good mood and relieve negative moods in time as much as possible.Although it is hard to achieve when we encounter some unpleased matters,we still need to try our best to do it,or try to shorten the time we are in negative moods.