How to keep healthy
Lesson Type:Writinghow to keep healthy   Period:1st    Date:Oct. 23,    DesignerHe An
Teaching contents
百合有什么功效  最后一只恐龙Topic writing  How to keep healthy.
Teaching objectives   
1. Knowledge objectives
(1) Review the words about food and describe different opinions about different food.
(2) Make students learn how to make healthy diet and write a composition about keeping healthy.
2. Ability objectives
(1) To train students’ listening, speaking abilities talking about health.
(2) To train students’ writing skills about how to keep healthy.
(3) To enlarge students’ knowledge about keeping healthy.
3. Emotional objectives
The students feelings of solicitude to their food should be brought up by introducing the healthy food. Encourage the students to make healthier diets for their parents or friends and keep healthy habits.
Key points & difficult points
To express the reasons of eating different kinds of food.
To talk about healthy habits.
To train students writing skills about how to keep healthy.
Task for this whole period
How to keep healthy
Teaching steps
Step 1  Preparation (5-8分钟)
Activity 1:  Lead-in
(1)  Enjoy a piece of music about keeping healthy.
Let students listen and sing a song together.
Activity 2: Show the task: How to keep healthy.
(1) Listen to Tom’s letter
The teacher will lift a letter and say to students: “There is a letter for you. It’s from Tom. Maybe he has some problems and wants to ask you for help. Let’s see what happened.”
Then, the teacher will ask the monitor to read the letter for the whole class. And the other students will listen and fill in the chart about Tom’s problems.
(2)  Show the task
The teacher will ask students: What should Tom do first according to the letter? The students may say Tom should keep healthy. Then we will show the task: Write a letter to Tom about how to keep healthy.
Step 2  Presentation & Practice (20分钟)
Activity 1  Review the words about food.
1. Who has a good memory.
(Show many kinds of food in the screen. Students say the names they have known. The aim is to warm up students’ memories about food that we have in daily life.)
2. Brainstorm Ask students to make lists about different kinds of food.
(We will have a competition in groups. Students should write the names about the food quickly.)
3. Talk about students’ favorite food and help them to know what healthy food is.
4. Enlarge the knowledge about diet.
Show a food pyramid to students and ask them to explain the meaning. And then help them to make a balanced diet in the future.
Activity 2 Talk about the ways to keep healthy.
1. Ask students to give their opinions about keeping healthy freely.
2. Make sure if it is a good way to keep healthy.
(Show some statements about others’ lifestyle and ask the students to make sure if it is good for health. The aim is to open their mind to think about the ways about keeping healthy.)
3. Group work:
Students work in groups. They will write down what people should or shouldn’t do to keep healthy. They will have a competition in groups. Some groups will write down what people should do, and the other students write down what people shouldn’t do. They should write down the opinions on the paper.
Activity 3 Make a summary
Ask students to make some sentences by using the word “healthy” or say something about health. Ask students to remember some good sentences and they may use these sentences in their composition later.
Step 3  Production (15-20分钟)
1. Recall the task about this class.
The teacher will ask students if they remembered the letter from Tom and ask them to read the letter together.
2. Show some writing skills.
The teacher will show some writing skills on the blackboard and ask students to pay attention to them before writing.
3. Write freely.
According to the opinions of keeping healthy, students write their compositions by themse
lves. And the teacher will ask one or two students to write in front of the class. The teacher will help the students if it is necessary.