Hua Mulan, the hero of ancient China, loyal and filial piety, on behalf of his father to defeat the invading nation in the army and passed down through the ages, the deeds have been passed down through the ages, and the emperor of the Tang Dynasty was posthumously awarded the title of "General of Filial Piety".
The circulation of the story of Mulan should be attributed to the folk song of "Mulan Ci". The deeds of Mulan have been expressed in a variety of literary and artistic works, such as movie
s, TV series, song and dance dramas.
Mulan's surname, place of origin, etc., are not accurately recorded in the history books. In ancient novels and other literary works, there have been four artistic images of "Mulan", each of which is a heroic and courageous woman who does not let her eyebrows be raised.
清代花部 《花木兰》又名《代父征》的花木兰故事形象目前是对众多花木兰故事中影响最大的,其故事情节为边族入侵,朝廷命贺廷玉挂帅出征,花木兰替父从军,路途结识刘忠等人,花木兰英俊出众,贺廷玉有意将女儿贺敏嫁给花木兰,而花木兰婉拒,一次贺廷玉出征被围,花木兰持重未曾贸然发兵,贺廷玉女贺敏不知花木兰为女身,因记恨花木兰拒婚之仇,有因花木兰拒绝救父,而率领丫鬟们打入花木兰帐中,因贺敏身份特殊,众兵将不敢阻拦和援救。导致花木兰孤身遭到屈打,但贺敏杖责花木兰同时也暴露了花木兰女儿身之事,贺敏悔恨自己所为,又钦佩花木兰孝义双全,最后协助花木兰用围魏救赵之法救出了父帅,功成后花木兰拒绝了朝廷尚书郎之封,返乡恢复裙钗,贺廷玉仍想将女儿嫁木兰,来到木兰故乡后,才真相大白,后将贺敏嫁与刘忠。
花部 《花木兰》后衍化出豫剧《花木兰》,豫剧《花木兰》总八场的构成为:第一场《机房》、第二场《别家》、第三场《征途》、第四场《救帅》、第五场《巡营》、第六场《破敌》、第七场《提亲》、第八场《荣归》,大概情节内容跟《木兰诗》《雌木兰》大同小异,也即决心替父从军、替父从军、还乡的三个情节结构。