In the "Economic and Philosophical Manuscripts of 1844", Marx further studies alienation and unity between subject and object respectively from economics and philosophy field, especially in criticizing alienation theory of Hegel and Feuerbach's objectivity thought, forming his own objectification which elaborates in the foundation of practical dialectics and historical materialism, and then to regard alienation as the result of objectification activity in the special stage, and explore the road beyond alienation——the practical Communism.
Marx objectification thought refers to theoretical formation in which people in order to infinitely approach free and constantly in the process of dealing with the objectivity to achieve self-confirmation, self-realization and self-transcendence of the active process.the essence of objectification  is realistic process of essential power, namely the implementation process of personal liberty. It not only can be understood as the process of dialectical unity of the subject and object basing on the practice from the perspective of elements, but also can be understood as the dialectical unification process of objectification of subject and subjection of object in dealing with people and object, also can be regarded as the freedom realization course of self-verification, self-realization and self-beyond from the perspective of motivation, or can be comprehended as the implementation and expansion course of human practice activity or work activity from the perspective of mediation, even can be understood as the people's freedom comprehensive development procedure from the angle of subject etc. Basing on the objectification of ideas, Marx fundamentally solves "binary opposition" problems of human and nature, man and society, people and people, man and himself, materialism and idealism, objectification and self-recognition, existence and essence in the private ownership, further points out that the history of the world is based on human objectification activity. Marx's objectification idea advocates the communist ideology which is based on practical criticism and personal freedom comprehensive development is not only
crossed and promoted by Marx's later text, and of specific, reality, criticism, totality
"flag" which is drawn by objectification thought also obtains the "positive response" of criticized modern philosophy of subjectivity and its result of contemporary philosophy thought and ideological trend.
Excepting for the introduction, the other four chapters of this paper respectively is Marx's objectification "root-seeking", "investigation", "presentation" and "progress" On the whole can be seen as the formation and development of Marx's objectification thought; and also be regarded as Marx's objectification thought in the past, present and future three dimensions of "appearance". The author tries to exactly "paint" the portrait of the Marx's objectification thought though discussing the origin of thought, "meaning", "border" and "new development" of the Marx's objectification thought, so as to locate and answer the present problem of alienation and finally, and
in the end to raise my own some thinking on the development of people.
Key words: Objectification Alienation Dialectic Human development
第1章引言 (1)
1.1选题的来源和研究意义 (1)
1.2研究状况综述 (2)
1.2.1国内研究状况 (3)
1.2.2 国外研究状况 (6)
1.3研究方法、思路及创新之处 (8)
第2章马克思对象化思想的思想渊源 (11)
2.1异化的概念辨析 (11)
2.2黑格尔的异化思想 (12)
2.2.1异化思想产生的原因 (12)
2.2.2异化思想的结构 (14)
2.2.3马克思视域中黑格尔的异化思想 (16)
2.3费尔巴哈的对象性思想 (19)
2.3.1费尔巴哈眼中的异化 (19)
2.3.2对象性思想的主体与逻辑 (21)
2.3.3马克思视域中费尔巴哈的对象性思想 (23)
第3章马克思《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中的对象化思想 (25)
3.1劳动对象化与异化劳动 (25)
3.1.1劳动的实现就是劳动的对象化 (26)
3.1.2异化劳动的内容 (26)
3.1.3私有制与异化劳动的关系 (34)
3.1.4 劳动如何走向异化的? (35)
3.1.5 对象化与异化的关系 (36)
3.2对象化与对黑格尔辩证法的批判 (38)
3.2.1对象:人的对象 (38)
3.2.2人:对象化的存在物 (42)
3.2.3对象化是主体客体化与客体主体化的辩证统一 (46)
3.3异化、辩证法与共产主义 (49)
3.3.1人:自己劳动的结果 (50)
3.3.2历史:自然界对人来说的生成过程 (52)
3.3.3共产主义:人的自我异化的积极扬弃 (53)
3.3.4异化为何包含着批判的一切要素? (57)
第4章《1844年经济学哲学手稿》中对象化思想的理论空间 (60)
4.1对象化视域中的社会历史 (60)
4.1.1实践:社会存在的“根基”与社会历史的“诞生地” (60)
4.1.2劳动:人本质力量的对象化活动 (62)
4.1.3社会历史的出发点:现实的个人 (63)
4.1.4社会历史的主体:人民众 (65)
4.2对象化视域中的人 (66)
4.2.1人的本质的对象化 (66)
4.2.2人的需要的对象化 (67)
4.2.3人的能力的对象化 (69)
4.2.4人的个性的对象化 (70)
4.3对象化视域中的资本主义拜物教 (71)
4.3.1两种对象化劳动与劳动的二重性 (72)
4.3.2资本主义拜物教的批判 (73)
4.3.3对象化与人的解放 (75)
第5章马克思对象化思想的现当代回响 (77)
5.1主客关系新反思 (77)
5.1.1主体性的重新建构 (77)
5.1.2主体间性的出场 (79)
5.1.3自由共同体的展望 (81)
5.2当代西方社会思潮的一些回响 (83)
5.2.1去中心的后现代主义 (83)
5.2.2去人类中心的生态社会主义 (84)
5.2.3去男权中心的女权社会主义 (85)
5.3对象化与人的自由全面发展 (86)