1. The attempt to breed suitable varieties of jojoba
by using hybridization to---favorable traits was
finally abandoned in favor of a simpler and much
faster---: the domestication of flourishing wild
(A) eliminate.. alternative 没有与attempt相关的信息
(B) reinforce.. method
(C) allow.. creation
(D) reduce.. idea
(E) concentrate.. theory
使用主干大法可以看出:the attempt was finally abandoned in favor of a _,此空格显然应将attempt重新填进去,能表达这个含义的只有method.另外to_favorable traits从简单的思维角度入手,可以猜得这里应该填入一个增加之类的词。

2. According to one political theorist, a regime that its goal absolute---, without any---law or principle, has declared war on justice. 反义重复
(A) respectability.. codification of
(B) supremacy .. suppression of
(C) autonomy .. accountability to不是参考,而是负责任
(D) fairness .. deviation from
(E) responsibility .. prioritization of
使用主干大法可以看出,a regime has declared war on justice.而修饰regime的就是that引导的从句,its girl absolute_,可以得知,空格填入的应该是”not justice”,能表达出这一意思的只有supremacy

3. Although frequent air travelers remain unconvinced怀疑,不确认, researchers have found that, paradoxically, the---disorientation inherent in jet lag also may yield some mental health---.反义重复
(A) temporal.. benefits
(B) acquired.. hazards
(C) somatic .. disorders
(D) random .. deficiencies
(E) typical .. standards
4.Ironically, the proper use of figurative language must be based on the denotative meaning of the words, because it is the failure to recognize this---meaning that leads to mixed metaphors and their attendant incongruity.反义重复
(A) esoteric
(B) literal
(C) latent
(D) allusive
(E) symbolic
5. Although it seems---that there would be a greater
risk of serious automobile accidents in densely
populated areas, such accidents are more likely to
occur in sparsely populated regions.
(A) paradoxical
(B) axiomatic
(C) anomalous
(D) irrelevant
(E) portentous
6. Whereas the Elizabethans struggled with the
transition from medieval---experience to modern
individualism, we confront an electronic subjection
technology that seems likely to reverse the trend,
rendering individualism obsolete and
interdependence mandatory.
(A) literary
(B) intuitive
(C) corporate
(D) heroic
(E) spiritual
7. The author did not see the---inherent in her
scathing criticism of a writing style so similar to
her own.
(A) disinterest
(B) incongruity
(C) pessimism
(D) compliment
(E) symbolism
8.Our biological uniqueness requires that the effects of a substance must be verified by---experiments, even after thousands of tests of the effects of that substance on animals.
(A) controlled
(B) random
(C) replicated
(D) human
(E) evolutionary
9. Today water is more---in landscape architecture
than ever before, because technological advances
have made it easy, in some instances even ---to
install water features风景 in public places.
(A) conspicuous.. prohibitive禁止的
(B) sporadic.. effortless
(C) indispensable.. intricate
(D) ubiquitous.. obligatory例行公事
(E) controversial.. unnecessary
10. While many Russian composers of the
nineteenth century contributed to an emerging
national style, other composers did not----
idiomatic习俗的 Russian musical elements, ---- instead the traditional musical vocabulary of Western
European Romanticism.
(A) utilize ..rejecting
(B) incorporate.. preferring
(C) exclude.. avoiding
(D) repudiate.. expanding
(E) esteem.. disdaining
11. Because the painter Albert Pinkham Ryder was
obsessed with his ----perfection, he was rarely
---a painting, creating endless variations of a
scene on one canvas, one on top of another.
(A) quest for.. satisfied with
(B) insistence on .. displeased with
(C) contempt for.. disconcerted by
(D) alienation from.. immersed in
(E) need for.. concerned with
12. Objectively set standards公正设立的标准 can serve as a ----for physicians, providing them----unjustified malpractice claims不公正的错误指控.
(A) trial.. evidence of
(B) model.. experience with
(C) criterion.. reasons for
(D) test.. questions about
(E) safeguard.. protection from
13. In spite of ----reviews in the press,the production of her play was ----almost certain
oblivion by enthusiastic audiences whose acumen was greater than that of the critics.
(A) lukewarm.. condemned to
(B) scathing.. exposed to
(C) lackluster.. rescued from
(D) sensitive.. reduced to
(E) admiring.. insured against
14. The passions of love and pride are often found
in the same individual, but having little in common状语, they mutually ----, not to say destroy, not to say 虽然说不上
each other.
(A) reinforce
(B) annihilate
(C) enhance
(D) weaken
(E) embrace