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Halloween as we know it today bears little resemblance tothe Roman harvest festivals especially celebrated the appleharvest.
The name Halloween comes from the 1500’s, and is avariation on “All-Hallows-Even”, the nig
ht before All SaintsDay, or All Hallows Day.? As with many things, the CatholicChurch had a holiday to coincide with a pagan celebration.?
万圣节名字的由来大约在1500年代。是由“All-Hallows-Even”演变而来。在天下圣徒之日(All Saints Day)即万圣节的前夕,天主教的教堂会以一个异教徒为批判对象举行一次集会。这就是万圣节的起源
So what do witches, ghosts, goblins, and the like have to dowith all this history? Read on to find out.
Corn Husks and Stalks of Wheat
The significance of corn husks and stalks of wheat is prettystraightforward.? Halloween comes in the autumn, the traditionalfestival celebrated the end of summer and the end of th
eharvest, so these images are meant to represent the end ofharvest and the beginning of winter.? Corn and wheat are
symbols of agricultural change, and the change of the seasons.?
The Colors Orange and Black
The colors orange and black are most likely further
representations of the time of year, rather than any Halloweenlore or mythology.? The color orange likely represents autumn,when the leaves change from green and orange pumpkins
areripe for the picking.? As mentioned earlier, the Celtic festivalmarked the transition between “light” days and “dark” days– so the black likely represents those dark days of winter whenthere are fewer daylight hours to attend to the fields and crops.?Of course, the modern secular Halloween retailers have certainlypushed the orange-and-black as official colors of Halloween, sosuch an explanation seems weak, but it’s true.? Sorry, to quotesome movie somewhere, “orange is the new black.”? Or pink.?Or something.
As we move more into the “spooky” tales of the Halloweensymbol, we’ll start with spiders.? Go to a Halloween party andyou’re sure to see fake spider webs spread all over the place.?Forgoing a discussion of any potential mystical qualities a spidermight have (because, ew), it is significant that spiders weavewebs, which has long been associated with the passing of time,progress, and fate.? OK, so maybe that’s a little mystical too.?All in all, though, the spider’s spinning of its web is a great
natural representation of the cycle of life – a spider spins its web,bugs fly into the web, nourish the spider, etc.? Also, spiders likedusty, dark places.
双语新闻:英国推出“防僵尸木屋” 万圣节也醉了(图)
双语阅读:万圣节的习俗和来源(二)2016-10-30 17:55 | #2楼
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Bats 蝙蝠
Bats are nocturnal?creatures, so it’s natural that a
celebration about the end of the light seasons and the beginningof the dark ones would incorporate them.? Additionally, in theold days Halloween meant big bonfires, which draw mosquitoesand moths, which would in turn draw bats,。Also, once vampirelegends made their way into Halloween folklore, the position ofthe bat was set – since it was thought that vampires couldtransform into bats.?
Black Cats 黑猫
OK, so while Halloween started out to be about the end ofharvest, etc., there are some ancient cultures who also believedthat, on Halloween night, the veil between the living world andthe spirit world was, if not lifted entirely, at least a little thinner.?Ancient Celtic religions taught that cats were reincarnated soulsof humans, and that they were able to see the future.? Also, itwas thought (as mentioned earlier) that witches could turn intocats.? Truth be told, most single ladies were thought to be
witches, and, just like today, many of the single ladies had?cats.?
So, in the 1600’s or so, the local cat lady would have probablybeen tried for witchcraft.