2014-05-21 11:42
由于Facebook的缘故,点赞被称为"Like",在Facebook以前从没人这么说过。过去,我们曾用如"to give the thumbs-up"(竖起大拇指)等表示点赞,如今你可以用"give a like"来表示这个意思。
小编补充:还有一个词也可以表示"赞",不过这个词和"like"不同,是形容词。譬如说,我菜做得很好很赞。这个"赞"就可以用fabulous来表示。此外,其同义词terrific,fantastic, awesome, incredible等也可以表达此意。例如:I watched Jan's game. She is fabulous. (我看了简的比赛,她表现得很赞。)
Due to the Facebook, praise is referred to as "Like". No one said it before Facebook. In the past, we used "to give the thumbs-up" to express praise and now you can use "give a like" to express this meaning.
Supplement: there is a word can also mean "praise" which is different from "like". It is an  adjective. For example, I do the dishes very well. The "good"can be expressed by fabulous. In addition, the synonym like terrific, fantastic, awesome, incredible can also express this meaning. For example: I watched Jan's game. She is fabulous
B. First
In English website, sometimes when people think themselves as the first one to reply, they will write "first", which is equivalent to "sofa" in China.
C.Sharing with friends
share with friends 例如: I like We Chat's function of sharing with friends. (我喜欢里"分享到朋友圈"的功能。)
英文网sharing with friends. For example, I like We Chat's function of sharing with friends.
转发:forward 例如:I recently received a photograph forwarded from a friend. (我最近收到一张朋友转发的照片。)
Forward, for example, I recently received a photograph forwarded from a friend.