A lot of tricks family reunion dinner, across the north and the south is different, have dumplings, wonton, long face, yuanxiao, etc., and each have exquisite. Northerners used to eat dumplings, New Year is the meaning of "more old hand" for new era. And because white flour dumplings shaped like a silver treasure, POTS of the table is a symbol of "new rich, wing roll in" meaning. Yes. Package dumplings, also gave some boiling water after disinfection of coin bag inside, say who ate the first, you can earn more money. The tradition of eating dumplings, is handed down from the han dynasty. According to legend, medical sage zhang zhongjing in cold weather, to see the poor man's ears were frozen rotten, and made a "remove cold jiao ear soup" to the poor to treat frostbite. He lamb, peppers and some medicinal herbs, remove cold warm surface casing into the ear "jiao ear", the pot boiled, to the poor to eat, after people eat, feel warm, fever from ear to ear. Later, people follow the do, have been carried over into today. New Year eat wonton, take its the meaning of the original. Legend has it that the world is generated before chaos state, god created, just have the universe sifang, long face, also called the longevity noodles. Eat
noodles, in the New Year's wish long life one hundred years long.
1, wonton
Legend of pangu's visit, make "gas light of qing buoyancy for the day, under the heavy cloud of gas condensate for land", ended the chaotic state, and "wonton" and the "muddy hoarding" homophonic, mean grain hoarding, New Year's eve to eat wonton, take its the
meaning of the original.
关于春节的英语手抄报2, dumplings
The tradition of eating dumplings, is handed down from the han dynasty. Legend northerners used to eat dumplings, New Year is the meaning of "more old hand" for new era. And because white flour dumplings shaped like a silver treasure, POTS of the table is a symbol of "new rich, wing roll in" meaning. Some package dumplings, also take some boiling water after disinfection of coin bag, say who ate the first, you can earn more money.
3, tangyuan
Also known as dumplings, floating atoms, is common in the south. Rub into a round shape is glutinous rice with (filling) of different flavors can be added into, again into the pot cooking, meaning reunion. Tangyuan generally when early or the meal staple food, whether hotel restaurant or home, this dish is very popular.
4, rice cake
The customs of the Spring Festival to eat rice cakes, xing in the song dynasty, sheng in the Ming dynasty. Eat rice cakes, and by "(sticky) gao (cake)" year after year of prosperity, deduce for promotion of every year. It is said that the earliest rice cake is for a midnight offering god, old dynasty for the ancestors, then to become Spring Festival food.
5, a fish,
Because fish and "more than" unisonant, people will think fish herald a more year after year, so the Spring Festival to eat the fish is a common custom in China. Eat reunion dinner on New Year's eve, every family on the table are not a fish, figure a good fortune, joy.
醒酒最快的方法是什么  因为鱼与“余”同音,人们便认为鱼预示着年年有余,所以春节吃鱼是国内常见的一项习俗。除夕吃顿团圆饭,家家餐桌上都少不了一道鱼,图个吉祥、喜庆。