2023年新年的英语手抄报内容 学习雷锋活动总结
  The Spring Festival kowtow is a kind of old etiquette. It is a form of new years new year. Is junior to the elders, a need to kneel on the ground, hands, head touch the ground.
  Between the first and fifteen of the first month of the month, a group of young people and adults kowtow to their neighbors and relatives. This time, the home house hanging tablets g
enealogy picture, placed in front of the mat for kowtow. When the guests came, they first stood before the ancestor genealogy, bowed three times, and then knelt and kowtow three times. And then to the old and big and three generation. If children are involved and have a very close relationship with those who have been kowtow, they have to give children money. The kowtow is roughly divided into two waves. The first wave goes to the neighbourhood at the beginning of the first day. The second wave took place a few days after the first day of the first day, visiting other relatives.
关于春节的英语手抄报>油炸豆腐干  春节是指汉字文化圈传统上的农历新年,俗称“年节”,传统名称为新年、大年、新岁,但口头上又称度岁、庆新岁、过年,是中华民族最隆重的传统佳节。
  The Spring Festival is a traditional cultural circle Chinese characters on the lunar new year, known as "new year", the traditional name for the new year, new year, new year, but also called the degree of verbal and celebrate the new year, Chinese new year, the Chinese nation is the most ceremonious traditional festival.
  During the Spring Festival, the Han and some ethnic minorities in China held various celebrations. These activities are to worship ancestral gods, worshiping ancestors, Fu Ying Hei then, pray for a good harvest as the main content, form rich and colorful, with strong ethnic characteristics. Influenced by the Chinese culture, some countries and ethnic groups belonging to the Chinese character culture circle also have the custom of celebrating the Spring Festival. On the day of the Spring Festival, people come back home and reunite with their relatives to express their eagerness for the coming year and the good wishes for the new year.
浏览器处于缩小状态怎么办  春节不仅仅是一个节日, 同时也是中国人情感得以释放、心理诉求得以满足的重要载体,是中华民族一年一度的狂欢节和永远的精神支柱。
  The Spring Festival is not only a holiday, but also an important carrier for Chinese people to release their emotions and satisfy their psychological needs. It is the annual carnival and spiritual support of the Chinese nation.
  The spring festival called "it is", "at", "new year", etc.. In December 31, 1911, Hubeis military government in the Republic of China issued "the Ministry of internal affairs of the Republic of China to the Gregorian calendar encyclical", the festival called "spring festival". By September 27, 1949, the first plenary session of the Chinese peoples Political Consultative Conference further clarified that in the 1th day of the first month of the Chinese lunar calendar, the name of "Spring Festival" and the name of "Spring Festiv
al" were officially included in the Chinese festival code. The Spring Festival is commonly known as the "Chinese New Year".
  The Lantern Festival originated in the Han Dynasty, the Han emperor is said to commemorate the "Ping Lu" and set up. The Han emperor after the death of Liu Ying, the empress of the clan dominated court politics. Zhou Bo, Chen Ping et al in lvhou died, except after Lu Ping forces, crowned Liu Heng for the Han emperor. Because the second day is over fifteen January, each year since fifteen January night, the Chinese imperial palace to commemorate to have fun with the citizens. And set the fifteen day of the first month as the Lantern Festival. When Emperor Wudi of Han Dynasty, the sacrificial activity
of "too one God" was at fifteen in the first month. Sima Qian listed the Lantern Festival as a major festival in the "Tai Chu calendar"
  There are three kinds of kowtow rites, according to the situation and the different objects, and there are different kowtow rites.
给校长的建议  儿童对长辈的常礼。一般情况是儿童随家长见到长辈,家长说:“过来见过__(长辈),给__磕头。”孩子要先说句:“给__磕头啦。”而后双膝先后弯曲跪下、手扶地、头触地,完成磕头的动作,然后起立侧身站着。长辈在接受孩子磕头后,必须做两件事,一是应当及时说:“好,起来吧。”一是要给孩子来点“赏赐”,例如小玩意儿,糖果等,或给个零钱,“头”是不能白受的!旧时代许多人在孩子说磕头还没跪下时,及时说:“不用啦。”而阻止孩子磕头,以免拿不出礼物的尴尬。
  The children of Derby elders. The general situation is that children see their elders with their parents, parents say: "come to see __ (elders) and kowtow to __." The child has to say, "kowtow to __." Then the knees bend down and kneel, hand to the ground, and the head touches the ground, complete the action of the kowtow, and stand on the side of the side. The elders must do two things after they are kowtow to their children. One should say, "well, get up." The first is to give children a "reward", such as small gadgets, candy, or give a change, "head" can not be white! In the old age, many people said, "no," when they said they had not knelt on their knees. And prevent the child from kowtow so as not to be embarrassed by the gift.