Ⅰ. 单项选择
1、We will have to ________ the football game till next week because of the heavy rain.
A.put up B.put off C.put out D.put down
2、Hurry up, Mike. You must get to the airport an hour before the plane________.
A.gets off B.turns off C.puts off D.takes off
3、— _______ is it from the New Town to the old city centre?
— Less than 30 minutes by underground.
A.How far B.How often C.How long D.How much
4、---How can I do well in my schoolwork?
---You must work hard. Dreaming _______ hard work will never achieve anything.
A.beside B.through C.without D.except
5、In western culture, people are not supposed to ask a lady .
A.where she comes from B.whether has she got married
C.how old she is D.how much does she weigh
6、In exams, the ________ careful you are, the ________ mistakes you’ll make.
A.more; less B.less; fewer C.more; fewer D.less; less
7、Spud Webb has influenced me most. His stories give me much to face all kinds of difficulties.
A.luck B.wealth C.courage D.decision
8、The girl ______ long black hair is Lily. She is pretty.
A.with B.at C.in
9、---Albert’s birthday is on next Saturday, and I’m planning a surprise party for him.
---_______. I’ll bring some wine.
A.Y ou are welcome B.It depends C.Just a minute D.Sounds like fun
10、School students ________ smoke because it is against the school rules.
A.needn’t B.couldn’t C.mustn’t
Ⅱ. 完形填空
11、The door of happiness
When one door of happiness closes, another opens. However, we often look at the    1 door so long that we can’t
see the one that has been opened for    2 .
It is true that we don’t know what we’ve got until we lose it, and it’s    3 true that we don’t know what we’ve been missing until it goes away.
Giving someone all your love doesn’t mean that they’ll love you back. Don’t expect love in    4 . Just wait for it to grow in their hearts.
There are many moments in life when you miss someone so    5 that you want to bring them into your dreams and hug them for real! Dream what you want to dream, go    6 you want to go, and be what you want to be, because you have only one life and one 7 to do all the things you want to do.
8 lies in those who have cried, those who have been hurt, and those who have tried, because they can
understand the importance of their lives. The 9 future will always be based on a forgotten past. You can’t go on well in your life 10 you let your past failure and heartaches go.
1.A.open B.same C.closed D.broke
2.A.us B.them C.me D.you
3.A.too B.also C.either D.hardly
4.A.need B.time C.line D.return
5.A.many B.much C.few D.little
6.A.when B.what C.why D.where
7.A.chance B.choose C.change D.chat
8.A.Happy B.Happiness C.Happily D.Unhappy
9.A.brightest B.heaviest C.cleverest D.bravest
10.A.so B.when C.until D.that
Ⅲ. 语法填空
12、阅读下面材料,在空白处填入适当的内容(1 个单词)或括号内单词的正确形式。将答案填写在答题纸的相应位置。
More than 700 years ago, Scotland was fighting with England. The King of England wanted to control Scotland. He had a strong army, so it was difficult for the Scots to fight. Scotland lost many 1.(time). Eventually, King Robert of Scotland had to 2.[rʌn] from the English army.
One rainy day, King Robert 3.(hide) in a cave. He thought that he was not good enough to be the king. He was so 4.[ˈwʌrid] that he didn’t ev en see a spider(蜘蛛)near him. He looked up when he saw the spider climbing. It was trying to climb up to its web(珠网)at the top of the cave, but it fell down.
"How sad!"thought King Robert. "The spider is like me. It’s not strong enough He watched while the spider
tried again. It fell down a 5.time. "Be careful, little spider,"he said. "Life is so hard. You’ll never get back to your web."6.the spider tried again and again. King Robert watched while it 7.(slow) climbed back to its web. After an hour, the spider reached the web.
"You are really great,"the king said. "If you can keep trying, 8.can’t I? I must carry on fighting."Then the king’s army grew 9.(strong) than before and successfully stopped the English army.
10.[ˈnəʊbədi] knows if this is a true story. Many parents tell it to their children because they want them to keep trying.
Ⅳ. 阅读理解
13、Have you ever heard of a famous charity called Operation Smile? We hope we can help you understand how we are trying to help children all over the world.
Operation Smile was started by a doctor and his wife. In 1982, together with some volunteers, they went to Philippines to help children who had holes in their lips or inside their mouths. It was very difficult for them to eat and drink. These volunteers worked very hard. But they worried that they could not carry on with the work because they were short of money. Then they decided to start a charity so that they could help these needy children. They called it Operation Smile. Operation Smile works in more than twenty developing countries and has cured over 10,000 children who have problems with th
eir mouths. Operation Smile has won many prizes for its work and in 1999 they even started a special event called“The World Journey of Hope”. 5,000 children in 18 countries are cured during the event.
On the other hand, Operation Smile trains local doctors and nurses in developing countries so that they can continue to help children when Operation Smile has left. As to the children with much more serious problems, they will send them to America for further treatment.
So show your kindness and generosity to the needy children now. You can send your donation to Operation Smile at local banks. Many thanks from the children who can smile now will come to you.
1.Operation Smile is a famous _____, which was started by a doctor and his wife.
A.school B.charity C.building D.person
2.Operation Smile helps the children by _____.
A.curing the children who have problems with their mouths
B.helping poor children go back to school
C.helping blind children to see again
D.offering houses to homeless children
3.Five thousand children from _____ countries are cured during the event “The World Journey of Hope”.
A.ten    B sixteen B.eighteen C.twenty
4.Why did they worry that they could not carry on with the work?
Because _____.
A.there were no more volunteers
B.they went to America for further study
C.they didn’t have enough money
D.the doctors were too busy
5.What does the writer ask us to do to show our kindness and generosity to the needy children?
A.To donate money at local banks.
B.To be a volunteer in Philippines.
C.To send cards to the needy children.
D.To be a doctor of Operation Smile.
14、Happiness is important for everyone. Most people want to be happy, but few know how to find happiness. Here is a story to help you.
Once a bird lived unhappily. So it traveled far away to look for its happiness.
It flew and flew. Suddenly it saw a spider climbing up a wall. The spider fell off the wall halfway. But it kept climbing again and fell off again. Even so, the spider didn’t give up. The little bird asked the spider in surprise. “Why don' t you have pain but happiness on your face though you fail again and again?”
“Because I keep making my efforts. I'm happy.” said the spider.
Then the little bird saw the happiness is a will in the heart.
The bird continued flying and saw a lame(瘸的)duck help a little duck who got lost to find the way back home. Although it was disabled, it had a smiling face.
“I'm happy because I can help others.” said the lame duck.
So the bird saw the happiness is a love in the heart.
The bird went on flying and suddenly saw a little dying flower, whose face was full of smile. The bird didn’t know
the reason. So it asked the little flower, “Y ou're going to die. Why are you still so happy?”
“Because my dream will come true,” said the little flower.
“What is your dream?”
“To produce sweet fruit.”
The little bird saw the happiness is a hope in the heart.
So the little bird no more looked for happiness because it had seen the true happiness is not in the far
away place but in your own heart. You are the maker of your own happiness.
1.Who never gave up though it failed again and again in this passage?
A.The bird. B.The spider. C.The flower.
2.Which of the following is NOT true according to the passage?
A.Happiness is important for everyone.
B.We make happiness by ourselves.
C.Many people know how to find happiness.
3.Why is the little dying flower still so happy?
A.Because it has a will in the heart.
B.Because it has love in the heart.
C.Because it has a hope in the heart.
4.What can we know from the story?
A.The bird finally found happiness in its own heart.
B.The spider found happiness in the faraway place.
C.The duck didn’t know where hap piness was at last.
5.The passage is mainly about _____.
A.happiness B.hope C.love
15、It’s duty of every man to work. The life of a lazy man is of no use to himself and to others. If the man is too lazy to work, he will usually become a not useful man. Everyone, when he is young, should learn some useful work.
But it’s not enough for a man to learn some kind of work. He should put his heart and soul (精力) into his work, and not waste his free time. “Work while you work and play while you play” is as good r ule for young people as old.
There is no better to help todiligencethan the habit of early rising, and this, just like all other good habits, is most easily formed in youth (青年). There is an English say “Lost time never returns.” This means that everybody must be diligent, and make good use of time. One must study hard when one is young so that one can make great progress, succeed in life