1.—Kate, is ________ English book on the chair yours?
—No, it isn’t. It is Carol’s.
A.a    B.an    C.the
2.Shenzhou-13 gets back to the earth (地球) ________ April 16th, 2022.
A.at    B.on    C.in
3.—What is your mother’s ________?
—She works at a radio station.
A.job    B.habit    C.dream
4.Julie is a _________ girl. She doesn’t like to talk to others.
A.nice    B.tidy    C.shy
5.The soup _________ so delicious. I want to have another bowl (碗).
A.sounds    B.tastes    C.looks
厦门英语6.There are many useful rules at school. We have to follow _________.
A.it    B.us    C.them
7.Gu Ailing is a world champion (世界冠军), ________ she still works hard every day.
A.so    B.or    C.but
8.— What do we need for the fruit salad?
— We need two apples and three _________.
A.bananas    B.potatoes    C.carrots
9.— How do you get to school, Peter?
— I _________ to school. It’s good exercise for me.
A.ride a bike    B.take the bus    C.drive a car
10.The old man wants to _________ the trees and make some tables.
A.talk to    B.cut down    C.play with
11.We all like Mr. Green because he _________ children.
A.is good with    B.is good for    C.is good at
12.—Must I finish my homework this evening, Mom?
—No, you _________. You can do it tomorrow, dear.
A.mustn’t    B.needn’t    C.can’t
13.—________ is it from your home to the club, Mary?
—About ten minutes’ walk.
A.How far    B.How long    C.How much
14.—Do you want to go to the basketball game with me, Jim?
A.Have a good time    B.Sure, I’d love to    C.See you then
Because of COVID-19 (新冠肺炎), no one in Thailand wants to visit zoos. The animals are kind of bored. Seenlada Supat, an 11-year-old girl, finds a great way to make them ____15____. She always takes her keyboard (电子琴) to a zoo and play ____16____ for the animals. She dresses herself up ____17____ an elephant to join them. “I’m playing music to the animals to help them feel relaxed. ____18____ they are not too bored.” For her, it’s also a way to ____19____ before many audience (听众). Her audience are monkey
s, lions, tigers, and many other animals. “We find that the animals are listening.” Tawin, the head of the zoo says. Once (一次) a monkey even jumps (跳) onto Seenlada’s ____20____. “It’s like he is playing music with me, too,” the girl says.
15.A.scary    B.healthy    C.happy
16.A.games    B.songs    C.chess
17.A.like    B.with    C.for
18.A.Because    B.But    C.So
19.A.save    B.work    C.practice
20.A.keyboard    B.piano    C.violin
Music FestivalCan you dance well? Do you like singing? Can you play any musical instruments (乐器)? Come to our music festival to have a nice evening on our school playground this Friday. Please call Mr. Zhang at 622-6079.
Time: 8:—10:
Movie Night Place: School playground
Date: This Saturday
Movie: The Chinese Pilot
Time: 5:—6:
Movie: The Wandering Earth
Time: 7:—8:
Photo ShowDo you like taking photos? Bring your favorite photos to us. We have many kinds of beautiful photos on show in the school hall this Tuesday. Come and join us.
Time: 9:—5:
Volleyball GameAttention, please! There is a great volleyball game in the school’s Sports Center this Sunday morning. You can’t miss this interesting game. Come and watch it!
Time: 8:—9:
21.We can go to the School Music Festival on ________.A.Tuesday    B.Friday    C.Saturday
22.How many movies are there on the school playground this Saturday?
A.Two.    B.Three.    C.Four.
23.If she wants to watch the volleyball game on time this Sunday, Jane had better get up ________.
A.before 8:00 am    B.at 8:00 am    C.after 8:00 am
24.We can read the passage (篇章) from a ________.
A.story book    B.park map    C.school notice (通知)
Wheel chair
Today is like any other day in Tom’s life. He walks past a shop and stops to look at the shoes in it. He feels happy to see that the pair of shoes he likes is still there. Looking down, he feels sorry for himself. He really wants to have them for his birthday.
But he sadly (悲伤地) walks away and thinks how to tell his mother about it. He knows his mother loves him but she has no job and the shoes are too expensive. Then he takes a walk in the park, because he doesn’t want his mother to know that he is sad.
He sits on the grass (草地) and sees a boy in a wheel chair. He finds that the boy moves the wheel chair with his hands. Tom looks at him and is surprised (惊奇地) to see the boy has no feet. He looks at his own feet. “It’s much better (更好的) to be without shoes than without feet, ” he thinks. There is no need for him to feel so sorry and sad. After that, he never stops at the shop again.
25.Tom goes past the shop _________.
A.on foot    B.by bus    C.by bike
26.Tom stops at the shop because he _________.
A.wants to talk to his mother    B.likes the shoes in it    C.wants to buy the clothes
27.The underlined word “expensive” means “_________” in Chinese.
A.耐用的    B.漂亮的    C.昂贵的
28.Which of the following best shows Tom’s feelings in the end?
A.    B.    C.
If you need to call your parents but your phone is not with you, can you remember their numbers?