1.—How was your birthday party? (    )
A.It was great.    B.I am fine.    C.It’s OK.
2.We can have ________ outing in _______autumn.  (   )
A.a , a    B.an , an    C.an , /    D.the , the
3.--     behind the door?   (   )
-- There are some umbrellas.
A.What are    B.What    C.What's
4.The child _______ eating ice cream. (   )
A.are    B.like    C.likes
5.He’s a ________ boy. He can swim ________. (     )
A.well; well    B.good; well    C.well; good
6.You will not find _____ in the US. (   )
A.the Great Barrier Reef    B.the Grand canyon    C.Yellowstone National Park
7.Before you cross the road, you must _____ cars. (   )
A.look out at    B.look out for    C.look out of
8.We ________ use glass bottles. We ________ use too many plastic bottles. (    )
A.should; should    B.shouldn’t; should    C.should; shouldn’t
9.The boys and girls were happy ________ Lily’s birthday party last night. (  )
A.for    B.at    C.of
10.Sarah is very __________. (     )
A.heavier    B.taller    C.tall
11.—______ are your shoes, Micheal? (   )
—Size 7.
A.What size    B.What time    C.What color
12.Bill ______ ill. He didn’t ______ to school. (   )
A.was; go    B.do; did    C.is; go
13.Don’t _____ late for school.  (   )
A.be    B.are    C.is
14.You __________ run _________ the classroom.
A.mustn’t,  in    B.should, in    C.shouldn’t, out of
15.The football match is very ________.( 
A.excite    B.excited    C.exciting
16._________ are you? (    )
A.How long    B.How tall    C.How many
17.We went to Hainan _______ the winter holiday. (    )
A.of    B.over    C.with
18.Amy often _______ milk in the morning. (    )
A.have    B.drink    C.drinks
19.John ______ early because he ______ cold yesterday. (   )
A.sleeps; has    B.slept; had a    C.sleep; has a
20.—I’m sick. I get the flu. (     ) 
A.Hooray!    B.Help!    C.I’m sorry to hear that.
21.The canteen is on the _________ (two) floor.
22.Peter reads a book every night, but last night he _______ (wash) his clothes.
23.There _____ (be) no tall buildings in my city forty years ago.
24.Let’s go _______ (swim) together with Rose’s uncle.
25.I _____ (wash) my clothes the day before yesterday.
26.Your feet are _____ (big) than mine.
27.I like the _____ (one) bird. It’s beautiful.
28.How many _________ (potato) are there in the fridge?
29.Helen _________ (catch) a big fish last Sunday morning.
30._______ (watch) a nice movie _______ (make) people _______ (happy).
31.Did you go to the __________ (公园) yesterday?
32.My mother got up early and she w________ me up this morning.
33.I will ____________ (回去) Xinghua this summer holiday.
34.I have a pen friend, and we always send an e______ to each other by computer.
35.Wang Yaping gave her daughter a g_____ when she came back to the earth. That was a star.
36.The old fisherman goes ______ (钓鱼) every morning.
37.I’m going to be a _______. (教练)
38.—What’s your C_____ teacher l_____?
—He is h_____.
39.Please be q_____. Grandpa is sleeping now.
40.Last week my brother b________ me a present from Beijing.
It’s 7:00 am. A bus __41___ students to school. Amy, Wang Li and Li Wei are __42___ to school __43___ bus. There __44___ 10 students __45___ the bus. They are talking __46___厦门英语 what they want to be in the future. Amy __47___ to be a doctor. Wang Li is __48___ good student. She will become a teacher. What __49___ Li Wei want to be? A cook. What __50___ you?
41、A.take    B.takes    C.to take
42、A.going    B.go    C.goes
43、A.in    B.on    C.by
44、A.am    B.is    C.are
45、A.in    B.on    C.by
46、A.to    B.about    C.at
47、A.want    B.wants    C.wanted
48、A.a    B.an    C.the
49、A.is    B.do    C.does
50、A.are    B.about    C.for
Chinese New Year Celebration
Piano Concert
Jan.20th, 10:00&
The School Music Hall(礼堂)
Welcome to enjoy the beautiful Chinese music.
Spring Fashion Show
Jan.20th, 7:00&
Can you reuse paper or plastic to make pretty clothes?
Come to show yourself.You are the super models
School Best Singer PK
Jan.21st, 1:00&-4:00&
The big playground
Are you good at singing?
Come and try it. The winners can get 2 film tickets.
Dancing Ball(舞会)
Jan.21st, 1:00&-4:00&
Do you want to learn Waltz(华尔兹)?
We meet you at the School Square. Don't forget to bring a pair of shoes.
51、You can watch a piano concert at 10:00& Jan.20th at the School Square. (    )
52、You can join the School Best Singer PK to get 2 tickets for the zoo. (    )