1.Sheep A Sheep is ________ online mini game that suddenly became popular all over the Internet.
A.a    B.an    C.the
2.“I don’t think about winning or losing during the ________. I just do my best, and the rewards come naturally.” Gu Ailing said after winning the Olympic Gold.
A.competition    B.education    C.discussion
3.If people in a team can work hard together, it will make the team ________.
A.normal    B.careful    C.successful
4.Beethoven is truly talented in piano. He could play the piano so ________ at 4.
A.beautifully    B.seriously    C.heavily
5.—You looked tired, Sam. When did you go to bed last night?
—2: The soccer game didn’t come to an end ________ midnight.
A.until    B.though    C.unless
6.—I’m not good at writing. Could you give me some advice to ________ it?
—Well, by practicing more and reading a lot.
A.solve    B.print    C.improve
7.—Alice, ________ do you help with the housework?
—Every Sunday.
A.how long    B.how often    C.how soon
8.Don’t forget to wear masks(口罩) and wash hands often. We should ________ ourselves well during COVID-19.
A.look after    B.look at    C.look for
9.When you have worries or problems, it’s best not to keep them to ________.
A.myself    B.himself    C.yourself
10.If you take this train, you ________ in Shanghai in five hours.
A.arrive    B.will arrive    C.arrived
11.—Gramma, add ________ salt please, or the soup will be too salty.
—OK, little Tommy.
A.less    B.fewer    C.more
12.—What a nice day! Why not join us for picnic?
A.Sounds great    B.You’re welcome    C.I’m afraid so
Uncle Carl was putting up tents while I was preparing tools and ingredients for barbecue(烧烤).The sky was covered with   13  and the temperature was neither too hot nor too cold. It was a perfect spring day for   14  . And the birds in the sky were dancing so freely that no one saw the dark clouds rolling over(翻滚) the line of trees behind us.
  15  I finally noticed them, I said, “Those clouds look scary. Should we go back?” Uncle Carl said, “We’re fine. I read the Daily Weather, the Weather Examiner, the Weather News, and the News of the Daily Weather. They all said there wouldn’t be any rain today. So keep making   16  . I want to enjoy barbecue for dinner tonight.”
“But my   17  can tell me those are storm clouds,” I said, “And I trust my eyes.”
“Don’t trust your eyes, Freedie,” said my uncle. “Trust the   18  who predict the weather.”
  19  looking at those clouds would say it’s going to rain.” I said.
“It’ll blow over. Keep working,” my uncle said.
So we did. A few minutes later we saw a flash of lightning(闪电). Uncle Carl quickly grabbed(抓) the food already laid out and put it back in the box. “There is a storm coming soon!” It took us only a minute or two to get all the things back in our car, but by that time, both of us were   20  . I could feel the water running down my trousers. Therefore, I think I’m going to keep trusting my eyes.
13.A.fog    B.clouds    C.dirt
14.A.hiking    B.boating    C.camping
15.A.When    B.If    C.Before
16.A.promises    B.preparations    C.predictions
17.A.body    B.heart    C.eyes
18.A.writers    B.experts    C.engineers
19.A.Anybody    B.Nobody    C.Somebody
20.A.warm    B.tidy    C.wet
A man named Robert went on a fishing holiday. Fishing was his favorite sport, and he had many prizes for the fish he caught.
This summer, the weather was beautiful and he happily decided to travel around the country, spending a few days fishing in each of the rivers.
However, he didn’t have much luck. For several days, he only caught a few small fish. He w
as quite down and was going to go back home when he heard of a big river that was full of fish nearby.
He found the river quite easily and followed it through the village to a farm. He decided to ask a farmer if he could fish in the river.
“Of course, you can, ” the farmer said, “but you should be careful.For years, I stopped my kids from going near the river.”
“Is the river dangerous?” Robert asked.
“It’s not the river. It’s the fish.They are too big for my kids to hold(握). And I nearly lost two of them last week in the river.”
“How big are they?” Robert asked excitedly.
“Well,” the farmer told him, “One is over three feet long and one is over four feet long.
After listening to what the farmer said, Robert couldn’t wait to say goodbye to him and head
厦门英语ed to the river.
A day passed, Robert didn’t catch any big fish.
On his way back, he met the farmer again. And the farmer asked him about his fishing.
“Bad luck.” Robert said, “I didn’t meet any fish that were as big as you said.” “Who is talking about the size of the fish!” The farmer said.