5. What sport did the man do last Thursday?
A. Basketball.    B. Tennis.    C. Swimming.
6. When will they go to the sports center?
A. On Sunday.    B. On Thursday.    C. On Saturday.
7. What trouble does the girl have?
A. She has to do some cleaning at home. 
B. She can’t work out her math problem.       
C. She has failed in her math exam again.
8. According to the man, what is the most important for one’s success?
A. Believing in yourself.    B. Keeping a cool mind.    C. Being hopeful.
9. Why was the woman in Canada?
A. For the Christmas holiday. 
B. For a research program. 
C. For a few parties.
10. What did the woman think of the Canadians she worked with?
A. They are kind and helpful.
B. They are quiet and polite.
C. They are busy and hardworking.
11. What does the woman think of the man in the match?
A. Nervous.    B. Relaxed.    C. Excited.
12. Why does the man love ping-pong best?
A. Because his dream is to become one of the best players.
B. Because he likes trying hard in all kinds of ball games.
C. Because he enjoys the happiness ping-pong brings him.
13. What does the woman probably do?
A. The man’s coach.    B. Another player.    C. A reporter. 
14. What does the speaker mainly talk about?
A. The history of cola.    B. The sale of cola.    C. The development of soft drinks.
15. How was cola sold in the beginning?
A. As a soft drink.    B. As a medicine.    C. As cooking oil.
16. Why does the speaker mention John S. Pemberton?
A. Because he sold cola to doctors.
B. Because he worked in a drugstore.
C. Because he invented cola as a medicine.
Car Rental (租借) Information
Length of time    17. from Monday to ______
Make and model of car    a Ford Fiesta
Cost    18. $______ every day
Name of customer    19. Tom ______
Phone number    20. ______
Pick-up time    21. at 9 o’clock on Monday ______
22.— I took a lot of pictures in Africa.
— Really? Could you show ______ to me?
A. it                B. their                C. they                D. them
23.— When is the Dragon Boat Festival this year?
— It’s ______ June 6.
A. at                  B. in                    C. on                  D. from   
24.— Would you like some more coffee?
— Yes. Just ______. Thanks.
A. little              B. few                  C. a little                D. a few   
25.— ______ will your father come back from New York? 
— In two days.
A. How long        B. How soon            C. How often            D. How many
26.— How is your daughter today?
— Thanks to the new medicine, she feels much ______ now.
A. bad              B. well                C. worst                D. better 
27.There ______ a library and three bookshops in the town.
A. is                B. are                C. be                D. were
28.Dentists advise people ______ too many sweets.
A. to eat              B. not to eat            C. eating            D. not eat   
29.— Oh, I left my dictionary in your house.
— Don’t worry. I ______ it to school tomorrow.
A. will take          B. take              C. took                D. was taking
30.— Your hat looks really nice.
— I ______ it in a small shop last week.
A. bought          B. have bought          C. will buy              D. buy
31.— Look! The light is still on in our teacher’s office.
— Probably she ______ her work yet.
A. doesn’t finish      B. didn’t finish        C. hasn’t finished        D. won’t finish
32.— Guess what? Our team won the school basketball match.
— Congratulations! You ______ be very proud.
A. can              B. must                C. would                D. may
33.— Teachers often say that mistakes should ______ in time.
— I think so. It’s really good advice.
A. correct              B. be correcting        C. have corrected        D. be corrected
34.— Mary, could you tell me ______?
— One for each classroom, 50 altogether.
A. how many computers did you buy            B. how many computers you bought
C. where did you buy the computers            D. where you bought the computers
Years ago, I had a role to play as Ronald McDonald. We visited the community hospitals, bringing a little happiness into a place where no one ever looks forward to going. I loved the project, and I was very proud to be able to make a    35    to those who were experiencing some “down time”.