赵:Nowadays, we can find an interesting phenomenon among dorms of college students that most of students wish to have a pet indoor to relax themselves, or in another word, to be a company.现如今,我们可以发现在大学生寝室有一个现象:很多学生希望在寝室养宠物来娱乐自己,或者用其他话来说,作为一个陪伴。
章:I think some college students keep small animals as their pets is reasonable.The systems of College are too strict.Why students can”t do things they like? They just small animals 我认为大学生在寝室养小动物作为他们的宠物是合理的。学校的制度太严格了。为什么学生不可以做自己喜欢的事?他们仅仅是小动物而已。
周:My friend kept a dog as a pet in the dormitory.It is a stray dog, but he also made the careful preparation He toke it so well that we all think he can play with the dog.But a week after the teacher found it.The teacher asked him to drop the dog.What school do Is right? 我
的朋友在寝室里养狗,是一只流浪狗,但是他也为它做了精心的准备, 他对它是如此的精心以至于让我们都以为他可以和这只狗一起玩耍。但是一个星期后被学校的老师发现了。老师要求他必须丢弃狗。学校这样做是不是太过分了呢?
张: pets are not healthful or clean especially dogs which you should walk him every day.When you finish walking your dogs, you will find your dog is not very clean as same as before, at least looks so.宠物不健康、不清洁,尤其是狗你需要天天和它一起散步。当你和它散完步之后,你会发现狗不像原来那样清洁,至少可以看到。
赵:yes, bacteria, germs, fungus all of which could threaten you healthy have already been brought to your home that you cannot see with your naked eyes.Well, is that frighten you? Every pet is not so clean as you thought.各种细菌,真菌,微生物这些可能会威胁你健康的东西带到了家里面来,但你用肉眼是看不见的。呵,这很可怕吗?每一只动物都是这样的。
章:Don”t you think small animals are very cute and smart? And they are no offensive.I love them very much.They can company us when we are boring.We can play games with them.It also can increase our loving heart.你们不觉得小动物很可爱又很聪明吗?而且他们
周:Animals are friends of human beings.Some people eat other animal in order to satisfy their own desires.There are many endangered animal, wild animal, should be protected and not to eat.动物是人类的朋友。有些人为了满足自己的欲望而吃其他的动物。还有野生动物,许多濒危动物,都是应该被保护而不是用来吃的。
张:Nowadays, with the improvement of the people’s living standard, some people form a habit of raising small or domestic animals as pets.Some raise small dogs or cats as their pets while others raise various birds or fishes as their pets.现在,随着人们生活水平的提高,有些人养成了一个养宠物的习惯。有些把猫和狗作为宠物然而有些把鸟和鱼作为自己的宠物。
赵:In my opinion, I do not like the idea to raise animals at pets.We should not deprive them of their natural right.In this way, we will live in a peaceful world in harmony with the other living creatures.在我看来,我不喜欢养宠物。我们不应该让他们离开自然。从这方面
张:However, some people object to the idea of raising animals as pets.but, the way people raise animals as pets have a negative influence on the surroundings 然而,有一些人始终要把动物作为他们的宠物,但是,这种方法已经造成了对环境有消极的影响。
厦门英语章:Some zoologists said animals are our best friends.But because of human’s behavior, the habitat of animals are destructed.Some of them are endangered.some small animals is also in danger.Don’t you think it is a good way to protect small animals if we keep them as pets 有些动物学家说动物是我们的好朋友。但是由于人类的行为,动物的栖息地受到破坏。有些已经频临灭绝。一些小动物也正在危险中,你不认为这是一种好办法保护他们? 周:I hope that everyone can participate in the animal protection.我希望每个人都能参与到保护动物中来。
章: I think money is the root of all evil.The pursuit of money drives many people to cheat an
d steal.Most people commit crime for obtaining money.People who think money can bring many benefits to them come to no good.我认为金钱是万恶之源,人们对于金钱的追求驱使人们去骗去偷。绝大多数人为了得到钱去犯罪。那些人觉得钱可以给他们带来许多好处的往往都得不到好结果。
赵:well,I don't think money is the root of evil.In my opinion , it is people's endless desire for money that is truly evil.Of course with money we can buy a lot of things that we need or we like.But if one person has an endless desire for money and goods , he will do whatever to get the money and thus, even sacrifice other people's benefits, happiness or lives.呃呃,我不认为金钱是万恶之源。在我看来,人们对于金钱的无止境的欲望才是真正的万恶之源。理所当然的,我们可以用钱买许多我们需要和喜欢的东西。但是如果一个人对金钱和物质有无止境的欲望,他会为了金钱什么都做,甚至会牺牲其他人的利益、幸福和生活。周:wow, I agree what you said.Money is indeed important, but money cannot buy everything.A miser may think that “money talks,” but if you only give your attention to making money, you may lose many things, such as health, friendship and love.钱是的确重要,但是金钱无法买到一切。吝啬鬼可能会认为“金钱万能,"但是如果你只是给您注意赚钱,你可能失去很多东西,像
张:Yeah, I really money is important.It can be used buy food、clothes、books and so on.The thing we can not change is money can meet our needs of life.what do you think?
章:Of course,Money can buy lots of things , but there are many things that moneycan not buy.Likehealth and happiness , even a whole family.没错,钱是可以买到很多东西,但是也有东西是钱买不到的,像健康、幸福,甚至是一个完整的家庭。
周:I can not agree with you more.I don't think we should regard money as everything.Money is just a tool that can help us solve problems or enable us to live a comfortable life.What we should do is to use it appropriately and not become misers.This way, all of us can lead a happier lives.我认为我们不应该认为金钱是一切。钱只是一个工具,可以帮助我们解决问题或使我们能够过舒适的生活。我们应该做的是用它的合理性,以及不会成为守财奴。这样,我们所有的人都可以把一个更快乐的生活。
赵:But something is wrong in the world.It is people”s greedy that drives them crazy.It cause many social problems.Meanwhile, most problems that people complain is social problems.we cannot control people”s attitude towards money.但是在这个世界上有些事情出了故障,正是人们对于金钱的贪婪让他们迷失本性,我们无法控制人们的金钱观。这个造成了很多的社会问题,同时,人们抱怨做多的问题也是社会问题。我们无法控制人们对于金钱的看法