    (试卷满分:150分  考试时间:120分钟)
    Part One
    I.Listening 25
    I).Listen and choose the right pictures.(Youll hear the sentences ONCE.)(1*5=5)
    Ⅱ).Listen and choose the right responses  (Youll hear the sentences ONCE.)(1*5=5)
    ( )6.A.Two hours.  B.In two weeks,C.Once a week.
    ( )7.A.Nor do I. B.So do I C.Yes.I do.
    ( )8.A.Zhao Benshan B.Li Yuchun.C.Yao Ming.
    ( )9.A.Yes,there are. B.Yes,there was  C.No,there weren?t any news.
    ( )10.A.Sorry, I will.B.Sure. Listen to me carefully.C.Sorry, I don?t mind. III).Listen and choose the fight answers.(Youll hear the conversations ONCE.)(1*5=5)
    ( )11.A.m sharkB.The sealC.The octopus
    ( )12.A.Last week?s talent show.B.The prize for the best performer
    C.The prize for the quietest performer,
    ( )13.A.She practices playing the piano every day.
厦门英语    B.She wants to be a pianist. C.She studies hard every day.
    ( )14.A.Yes,it does. B.We don?t know. C.No.it doesn?t.
    ( )15.A.He hung out with his friends; B.He went for a trip with friends。
    C.He went for a drive.
    Ⅳ).Listen and choose the right answers.(Youll hear the passage TWICE.)(1*5=5)
    ( )16.A.Harbin.  B.Beijing.C.Sanya.
    ( )17.A.Go swimming.  B.Go fishing. C.Go skating。
    ( )18.A.Minus 9.B.Minus 10 C.Zero.
    ( )19.A.Fifteen. B.Fourteen.C.Ten.
    ( )20.A.See the ice show B.Go for an outing.C.Go swimming.
    V.Listen mad 6n in the blanks with the information you get from the passage。One word for each blank(Youll hear the passage TWICE.)(1*5=5)
    What are the most popular pets in the world? Cats and dogs! In the US,there are more than 100 million dogs and cats.This is around half of the country?s.About 60 percent of the American families celebrate their pets?birthdays.
    Cats and dogs are also small talk. What a lovely dog! What?s his name?”People easily become friends because of pets.
    People think dogs are loyal animals.They help do lots of jobs like hunting and guarding..In 1957,Russia put a dog Called Laika In to the space.
    ,They are not as loyal as dogs but also are cheerful.Cats once had a hard life.Around the year 1 400,people in 2Q thought cats had something to do with witches.Hundreds of thousands of cats were killed。This didn?t stop until the 17th century. Today, cats and dogs are both people?s good friends。They are in the most popular cartoons·The most famous ones are Garfield and Snoopy.Garfield is a lazy fat cat,he is often mad with his master.Snoopy is a thoughtful small dog,he likes to write stories.
    Ⅱ.Multiply choice(1*15=15)
    21.Our teacher__________,“Practice makes perfect。”So we should try to______ English as often as possible.
    A.says…speak  B.tells…talk  C.says...say
    22.Susan never has a surprise party, ___________?
    A.doesn?t she  B.does she C.hasn?t she
    23.Lucy doesn?t know how to bake.Lilly doesn?t,
    A.either B.tooC.neither
    24.Do you want to help me____________ the papers to your classmates?
    A.hand out  B.hand in  C.hand up
    25.She is quite happy because she will have a_________ holiday soon.
    A.two months B.two-month C.two-months
    26.He____________ some cooking at that time,so______________ I.
    A.did...did  B.was doing...did C.was doing...was
    27.You should look around before you go____________ the street.
    A.cross B.acrossC.crossing
    28.I_____________ three hours learning how to bake.
    A.took  B.spent C.cost
    29.Some students are looking________ the magazines for beautiful pictures of the clothes.
    A.at B.afterC.through
    30.I don?t want to climb mountains because I am____________ of heights.
    A.scary B.scared  C.scaring
    31.I have two chairs.But one is broken, ___________is missing.
    A.the other B.another  C.others
    32.Could you please tell me_______________ ?
    A.where the nearest restaurant isB.where was the nearest restaurant
    C.where the nearest restaurant be
    33.I don?t know if she__________ tomorrow.If I________ , I will tell you at once.
    A.will come…will know B.will come…know  C.comes…will know
    34.The tortoise doesn?t run_____________ the rabbit.
    A.as quick asB.as fast as C.more quickly as
    35.I want to invite my friends to my_______________ birthday.
    A.forth  B.fourteenthC.nineth
    III.Cloze test(1*15=15)
    For several years,Americans have enjoyed teleshopping-watching TV and buying things by phone.People can turn on shop for clothes,jewelry, food,toysthings.,the biggest Swedish company sells different kinds of things on TV in fifteen western countries,and in one year, it makes$10 million.In France,there are two teleshopping channels,a year in buying things through those channels.In Germany, the government allowed more teleshopping to have telebusiness,including the largest American teleshopping company and a 24-hour teleshopping company.German__40__ hope these will help them sell more things.Some people 1ike teleshopping because it allows them to do their shopping without __41__.With all the traffic problems in cities,going shopping is not all easy thing.But at the same time,other people don?t like this new way of buying things.They call teleshopping “junk on the air.”,they usually worry about the quality of the things on TV.They think high quality is the most important thing,and they don?t believe they can be sure about the quality of the need of high quality means that western teleshopping companies will have to be the American companies..They will also have to work harder to sell things that the buyers cannot touch or see by themselves.