厦门2010 年初中毕业及高中阶段各类学校招生考试英语试题(满分:150 分;考试时间:120 分钟)第一部分(选择题)(二)基础知识与运用(每小题 1 分,共30 分)V .选择填空:从 A 、B 、C 中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。
21. —Well, a bowl of noodles with beef and tomato. OK, then what _______ would you like, sir?
— A small bowl, please.
22. Thank you so much. I really like ______ scarf you gave me yesterday. It looks very nice.
23. —Who helped you repair the MP4?
— ______ . I repaired it all by myself.
24. —Mum, I got the best grade in the English test today.
—Well done, son. I ?m very _______ of you.
25. —Do you know Jimmy?
—Sure. He is one of my best friends. I know him very ______ .
26. The world is becoming smaller and smaller because the Internet gets us _______
27. —How do you like the songs sung by Jay Chou?
—They are wonderful, _______ I can ?t hear the words clearly sometimes.
A. though
B. because
C. so
28. Many kinds of animals are ______ . We must do something to save them.
A. on holiday
B. in danger
C. on show
29. —Why don ?t you take the computer, Nick? I know you ?re a computer fan.
—It?s too expensive. I can?t _______ it.
A. sell
B. borrow
C. afford
30. He has no ideas of his own, so he always ______ his friends about everything.
31. —Do you like the song You and Me? —Of course. It great.
32. You needn?t write letters to your cousin. You _______ chat with her by QQ instead.
33. —Jane, hurry up! It ?s time to leave.
—OK. _______ .
34. —Excuse me, sir. This is a non-smoking room.
—Oh, sorry. I _______ the sign.
A. don ?t see
B. didn?t see
C. won?t see
35. —______ were you away from school last term?
—More than two weeks.
厦门英语A. How often
B. How long
C. How soon
36. The Chinese mainland pandas, Tuan Tuan and Yuan Yuan, _______ to Taiwan on Dec. 23, 2008.
A. sent
B. were sending
C. were sent
37. — What do you do?
A. I ?m a reporter
B. I like doing sports
C. I have to go now
38. — Could you tell me _______ ? I must fi nd her.
—Sorry. I don?t know. But she was here just now.
39. — I will take my driving test tomorrow.
—— !
40. — I was terribly ill yesterday, so I missed the match.
A. I ?m sorry to hear that
B. I don ?t like the match
C. The match was great
完形填空:从 A 、B 、C 中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。
The blog by Chinese star Xu Jinglei is now the most popular in the world. “I did n ?t 41 it to be so popular. I just wan ted to do someth ing that I liked,
so many clicks ( 点击)have encouraged me to keep 43 ,” said Xu, adding that her blog
is main ly to in troduce her 44
Xu, who is a successful director now, 45 be an actress first. She became
won the best director award for Letter From An Unknown Woman in 2004.
She con siders blog writi ng to be the most 47
and proper way of advertis ing her films.
“ It?s really an
easy way, ” she said.
She even put links ( 链接 )in her blog to film clicks posted on the website of her film company. From last October, ten million
people had _48_ Xu ?s blog at www./doc/1517899686.html,/m/xujinglei . Since then,
she has updated her blog every other day. But if she feels well, she sometimes posts two or three articles in a day.
A 50 by www./doc/1517899686.html, showed there were 16 million bloggers writing in Chinese last year, with a total of
36.82 million blogs. Xu Jinglei was the most popular.
41. A. turn
B. expect
C. hold 42. A. but
B. or
C. if 43. A. watching 44. A. life 45. A. used to
46. A. serious B. perform ing B. films B. had to B. beautiful C. writ ing C. ideas C. refused to C. famous 47. A. convenient B. un familiar C. mysterious 48. A. written B. visited
C. checked
49. A. messages 50. A. less on
B. programs B. chanee
C. prese nts C. survey 2分,共50分) overseas whe n she
A young man was walki ng through a supermarket to pick up a few follow ing him round. Thinking nothing of it, he continu ed.
Fin ally, he went to the check-out line, but the old lady got in front of him.
if my staring at ( 盯着看 )you has made you feel uncomfortable, it ?s just because you look like my son, whom I have n?t see n for a long time.
“ What a pity, ” replied the young man, “is there anything I can do for you? ”
Yes, ” she said, “ as I?m leaving, can you say ,Good bye, mother! ?? It would make me feel so much better. Sure, ” answered the young man. So, when the old woman was leaving, he called out,