V. 选择填空: 从A、B、C中,选出一个最佳答案完成句子。
17. — I always make ________ in grammar.
—Why don’t you take notes and practice a lot?
A. decisions
B. mistakes
C. differences
18. — What do you like best about the Mid-autumn Festival in Xiamen?
— I love the mooncake gambling (博饼) — a(n) ________ game.
A. international
B. personal
C. traditional
19. — How much money did you raise for the poor little boy?
— More than 3,000 dollars. We are really proud of ________.
A. yourselves
B. themselves
C. ourselves
20. —I don’t know why he refused me.
— Maybe you should ask for help ________ next time.
A. politely
B. probably
C. popularly
21. — Do you want to go to the movies this weekend?
— Yes, I may watch ________ Kung Fu Panda 3 ________ Pirates of the Caribbean 5, but I haven’t decide on which one yet.
A. either; or
B. both; and
C. neither; nor
22.— Where are you going on vacation?
—I’m going to visit my co usin in HongKong ________ the winter holidays start.
A. unless
B. until
C. as soon as
23. — What do you think the military parade (阅兵) on September 3rd, 2021?
— I really ________ everything I watched on TV.
A. take pride in
B. stick to
C. connect with
24. — These cakes taste good!
— Aha, they ________ at home. My mom is such a good cook.
A. were made
B. made
C. were making
25. — Why are you all wet?
— I ________ outside the bus station when it started to rain dogs and cats.
A. stand
B. was standing
C. will stand
26. — Ms. Frizzle’s class is always surprising.
Yep, she turns everything into an experience ________ is really exciting.
A. who
B. which
C. what
27. — Do you know ________ the Halloween?
— Well, kids dress up and ask for candies at every home.
A. where do kids celebrate
B. how kids celebrate
C. why kids celebrate
28. — Look at this picture, I think it could be a girl’s room.
— ________. There is a hair band on the bed.
A. You’d better not
B. I’m afraid not
C. I guess so
VI. 完形填空:从A、B、C中,选择一个最佳答案,使短文意思完整。
Do you like going camping? When the weather starts to get warm, many families like to experience the fresh air of the country away from the 29 of the city. They pack up their tent,
which is their home when they are camping. They also prepare many important things such as food,
water and 30 where they rest at night. After arriving at the camping place, the first thing to do
is to 31 up the tent.
One thing people like to do in the woods is going hiking. Another thing they like to do is 32 by the river. Those who are lucky enough will catch a big one for dinner. At night, people sit around the fire and tell 33 stories. Although this makes them afraid to sleep alone, it brings much fun as well. If anybody gets 34 , they can eat hot dogs or cook over the fire. So somebody has to chop wood for the fire.
One of the worst things about camping is the insects like bees and ants. If they bite (咬) you, you will be unfortable or even badly 35 . That’s why it’s important to put on bug spray (驱蚊液) to 36 insect bites when you are in the woods.
Last but not least, please remember to bring a water bottle and not to drink water from rivers. Pack up and enjoy your camping now.
29. A. pollution    B. population    C. pleasure
30. A. hiking shoes    B. cameras    C. sleeping bags
31. A. wake    B. put    C. take
32. A. walking    B. dancing    C. fishing
33. A. interesting    B. scary    C. humorous
34. A. hungry    B. healthy    C. heavy
35. A. built    B. cut    C. hurt
36. A. avoid    B. protect    C. cause
A couple was going for a walk after supper. With the moonlight, the wife noticed a blind man on the other side of the street with his seeing eye dog.
“Wow! What a helpful dog!” said the wife, “look at that blind man doing the same thing just like us.”
They continued walking for a few minutes longer. Suddenly, they heard the man let out a loud yelp. The dog had walked him right into a parked car. As a result, he had clearly knocked his knee into the car pretty hard.
Rushing over to help, they saw the man in pain reach into his pocket and take out a treat (奖品) for the dog.
“Isn’t that strange?” the wife said in a low voice, “giving him a treat even when he’s mad.”
“Why are you giving him a treat?” questioned the husband.
“I am not giving him a treat!” said the angry man. “I’m just trying to find out where his head is, so I can give him a sharp kick in the behind!”
37. The story probably took place ________.
A. in the morning
B. in the afternoon
C. in the evening
38. The man was ________ when the couple saw him.
A. feeding a dog
B. taking a walk
C. parking a car
39. The man probably looked like Picture ________ when he let out a loud yelp.
A.    B.    C.
40. The couple felt ________ when the man gave his dog a treat.
A. angry
B. surprised
C. worried
41. We can infer (推测) that man ________.
A. wanted to punish his dog seriously
B. had lost his seeing eye dog
C. felt angry about the couple
A picture is more than a thousand words. A mind map tells what you think. Different from a map that gu
ides you home, it paints out the way your brain works. On mind maps, ideas are shown as pictures and key words reaching out from a central topic. A good mind map usually turns out to look like “a spider”or “a big tree”. By setting your mind free, mind maps encourage you to think outside the box. The only thing might get in the way between you and your next big idea is your imagination. Here are some tools that can be useful in showing key points, and say a lot without saying too much!
A flow chart explains how things work with symbols and text. It shows you every step and decision you need to make. Each step is in a different shape and connected by lines and arrows (箭头). Each arrow points to the next stage of a process. This allows anyone to see the map and follow from beginning to end as easily as reading a story book. For example, you can make a flow chart to show your grandparents how to use a smartphone!
A fishbone map points out the reason behind a problem. You create it in a shape of a fish. Start with the head, which is the problem in question. A straight line leading to the head is the fish’s backbone. Lines connecting to the backbone are the “reasons” of the problem. Each reason will then need to be explained. The closer you get to the fish head, the closer you are to a solution.
42. A mind map helps us ________.
A. find way home
B. think clearly
C. draw pictures
43. The underline phrase “think outside the box” means “________”.
A. step outside
B. draw boxes
C. bee creative
44. We know that Picture________ is a flow chart.
A.    B.    C.
45. We should start with ________ when drawing a fishbone map.
A. a problem
B. a reason
C. a solution
46. Which of the following statement is TRUE?
A. Mind maps allow us to see our ideas in drawing.
B. The steps are in the same shape when a flow chart is drawn.