From great balls of fire, to possums, grape-eating and animal whispering, we reveal the worlds weirdest New Year customs.
Great balls of fire, Scotland
In Stonehaven, Scotland, there is a custom of parading through the streets on New Year’s Eve while swinging blazing balls of fire around.
朝花夕拾感悟The tradition is part of Scotland’s Hogmanay celebra tions, although its roots trace back to the Vikings.
Graveyard camp, Chile
Locals inTalca, central Chile, like to see in the new year in the company of their dead relatives.
Thought to have begun when a family broke in one year to be near their dead father, the town mayor now opens the graveyard after late-night mass and thousands sit surrounded by candles while classical music plays.
Animal whispering, Romania
Farmers try to hear their animals talk in a ritual which, if successful, signifies not just a Doctor Dolittle gift for communicating with our furry relatives but good luck for the coming year.
Mass kissing, Venice
St Mark’s Square is known for holding not only a big firework display over the Basin of St. Mark but for something far more unusual, a mass kiss-in in the piazza.
Throwing furniture, South Africa
Look out below! It’s the idea of starting the new year afresh that leads residents of Johannesburg, those in Hillsboro in particular, to throw old furniture out of their windows. Italians follow a similar
tradition and, not wanting to be lumbered with anything unwanted, conduct an early spring clean by way of their windows.
Underwater tree planting, Siberia
This is the Siberian custom of cutting a hole in the ice covering Lake Baikal and diving to the lake’s bottom while carrying a New Year’s tree. Note: only professional divers participate.
Bear dances, Romania
People wanting to celebrate new year in Romania put on bear costumes and furs and dance at different houses to keep evil at bay.
Possum-dropping, America
In the town of Brasstown, North Carolina, a possum in a transparent box is lowered over a noisy crowd, in the world’s only known “possum-drop”. It reflects Brasstown’s claim to be “the possum capital of the world”.
Grape eating, Spain关于春节的英语手抄报
Revellers seeing in the new year in Spain have their mouths full when they try to stuff twelve grapes in - one for each chime of the clock during the countdown.
Having a ball, New York
In cities around the world, from Sydney to Amsterdam, the first seconds of the new year are marked by fireworks. But dropping a ball on New Years Eve is a wholly American tradition to count down the last fleeting moments.
桃胶The first ball dropped at midnight on New Years Eve remains the most famous: the one on top of One Times Square in New York City.
"New Year! Its a new year! " I was happy to shout. Finally, the year, one year of fatigue finally!
On February 2nd, on the thirty day of the year, we took the
train to the great bob of Jiaxing for the new year. On the way, my heart was beating "!" "Beating!" Its the first time Im on the train. A sudden excitement! Sit on the train and look at the window:everythings getting smaller! The car is as small as a caterpillar, and a man is as small as an ant.
To the big uncle home, greeted the course number on the table that a plate of chicken, duck, fish and meat. People often say:we are southerners eat dumpling, northerners eat dumplings. Of course, the dumplings can not be less. At the beginning of dinner, my stomach was long hungry! I take the chicken leg in my left hand, I hold the leg of
the duck in my right hand, and all my mouth is covered with oil. I have devoured his meals and looked for several days without eating like.
After dinner, we could not wait for a long time to run down the stairs with a firecracker, and the sound was ringing. It is "a suichu fireworks, energy-saving"!