    1. 同心协力:意思是 everyone is willing to work together to achieve a common goal.
    例句:The team members worked together seamlessly to complete the project.
    2. 义无反顾:意思是 without hesitation, one must choose to act in favor of what is right.
    例句:When faced with a difficult decision, he knew he must choose to act with integrity.
    3. 顾名思义:意思是 from the name, one can guess the meaning of the word or phrase.
    例句:The name of the club implies that it is a place where music is played.
    4. 前车之鉴:意思是 a predecessor"s mistake or success serves as a warning or example.
    例句:The company"s failure to plan for the rainy day serves as a clear example of saving for the future.
    5. 相得益彰:意思是 when two or more things work together, they enhance each other"s effectiveness.
    例句:The collaboration between the two teams resulted in a mutual benefit and increased productivity.
    6. 措手不及:意思是 without preparation or opportunity to respond quickly.
    例句:The sudden attack caught the soldiers off guard, making a quick response difficult.
    7. 相得益彰:意思是 when two or more people work together, they enhance each other"s skills and abilities.
    例句:The collaboration between the two artists brought out the best in each other, resulting in a masterpiece.
前车之鉴是什么意思    8. 人来人往:意思是 people come and go, constantly moving and changing.
    例句:The busy street is always bustling with people, both locals and visitors.
    9. 千夫所指:意思是 a single person can be responsible for causing harm or mistake.
    例句:The CEO"s decision to cut costs resulted in a public backlash and a 千夫所指。
    10. 长治久安:意思是 a long and peaceful period of stability.
    例句:The new government wanted to ensure a 长治久安的时代,以此确保政府的长期稳定。