1. 那些在困境中的人应该得到我们的帮助。 (deserve)
Those who are in trouble deserve our help.
2. 智商高的人未必情商高。 (necessarily)
Those who have high IQ don’t necessarily have high EQ.
3. 只有勇敢面对挑战的人才有可能成功。 (only those)
Only those who face the challenges bravely are likely to succeed.
4. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。 (… it …)
I find it (is) hard to cooperate with those who always stick to their own opinions.
5. 住惯了大城市的人均会喜欢住在没有噪音和人的小镇上。 (free of)
Those who are used to living in the city will all like to live in a small town free of noise and crowds.
6. 想报名参加课外辅导中学的学生,年龄必须在10-15岁之间。 (range)
Those who want to enroll in the tutorial center must range in age from 10 to 15 years old.
7. 我觉得这本简易读物对学过两,三年的英语的人是很合适的。 (suitable)
I find this simplified English book (is) suitable for those who have learned English for two or three years.
8. 人们普遍认为,不善于学习者就难以与时俱进。 (pace)
It is generally believed that those who are not good at studies can hardly keep up with the pace of the time.
9. 在日常生活中,我们不要与言而无信的人打交道。 (fail)
In our daily life, we mustn’t/had better not make friends with/deal with those who often/always fail to keep their promise.
10. 乔治是他们办公室里唯一不抽烟的人。 (only)
George is the only person in their office who doesn’t smoke.
11. 简直难以置信,世界上竟有如此过目不忘的人。 (whatever)
It’s hard to believe that there should be some people who will not forget whatever they have seen.
12. 朋友应该是无论发生什么,都能与你同甘共苦的人。 (share)
A friend is a person who can share your joys and sorrows/comforts and hardships/happiness and sadness, no matter what/ whatever happens.
13. 那些懂得如何处理污染的专家一次又一次地试验,直到成功为止。 (deal with)
Those experts who knew how to deal with pollution did one experiment after another / experiments one after another / experiment after experiment until they succeeded.
14. 我从未想到他会欺骗同窗多年的朋友。 (occur)
It never occurred to me that he would cheat his friends with whom he had studied for many years.
15. 大家都很满意你最近取得的进步。 (be satisfied with)
Everybody is satisfied with the progress you have made recently.
16. 我们盼望的机会可能在最后一刻才会出现。 (hope)
The chance that we are hoping for may come at the last moment.
17. 我为昨天说的可能伤害你感情的话表示道歉。 (words)
I apologize to you for my words which might have hurt you yesterday.
18. 我们所生活的世界将得益于我们日益增强的环境意识。 (benefit)
The world in which we live will benefit from our increasing environmental consciousness.
19. 多亏了那场大雨,持续了五个星期的森林大火终于被扑灭了。 (thanks to)
Thanks to the heavy rain, the big forest fire which had lasted (for) five weeks was put out at last.
20. 阅读中你将遇到许多你熟悉的但不知如何使用的词。 (familiar)
In your reading you will come across many words which are familiar to you but you don’t know how to use them.
21. 接二连三的矿难使数以千计的人丧生,其中包括儿童和妇女。 (disaster, mine)
The disasters which took place in the coal mines one after another killed thousands of people, including children and women.
22. 我们终于到了那幢旧房子,房屋的大门已漆成了黑。 (paint)
Eventually we found the old house, whose gate had been painted black.
23. 电子工程是工程学的分支,它在现代化进程中起着至关重要的作用。 (which)
Electronic Engineering, which is one of the branches of engineering, plays an important role in (the process of) modernization.
24. 他向美国的一所私立大学申请奖学金,希望这笔钱能使他在那儿进修直到取得博士学位为止。 (enable)
He applied to a private university for a scholarship, which he hopes will enable him to further his studies there until he gets his doctor’s degree.
25. 总统在奥运会开幕式上作了一次鼓舞人心的演讲,这大大的鼓舞了运动员。 (encourage)
The president made an inspiring speech at the opening ceremony of the Olympic Games, which greatly encouraged the athletes.
26. 众所周知,成功来自勤奋,不努力则一事无成。 (without)
As we all know, success comes/results from hard work; without efforts nothing can be done/achieved.
27. 众所周知,每一种药物都有副作用,对健康可能造成伤害。 (as)
As is known to all, every drug has some side effects which may do harm to one’s health.
28. 正如报刊报道,那些坚持无肉饮食的人比较不容易肥胖。 (likely)
As is reported in the newspapers, those who stick to meatless diets are less likely to gain weight.
1. 那些在困境中的人应该得到我们的帮助。 (deserve)
2. 智商高的人未必情商高。 (necessarily)
3. 只有勇敢面对挑战的人才有可能成功。 (only those)
4. 我发现很难与那些一贯固执己见的人合作。 (… it …)
5. 住惯了大城市的人均会喜欢住在没有噪音和人的小镇上。 (free of)