1.He prefers ____________.
A. to write his letters rather than dictating them
B. to write his letters rather than dictate them
C. writing his letters rather than dictate them
D. writing his letters rather than have dictated them
解析:句型搭配:prefer to do sth rather than do sth 或者 prefer doing to doing
2.The three men tried many times to sneak across the border into the neighboring country, ______ by the police each time.
A. had been captured  B. only to be captured
C. being always captured  D. unfortunately captured
解析:only to do ; only to be done表示结果
3.The minister of Finance is believed _____ of imposing new taxes to raise extra revenue.
A. that he is thinking B. to be thinking
C. that he is to think  D. to think
解析:句型搭配:sb/sth is believed/said/reported to do/ to be doing sth..或者 It is said/believed/reported that(后跟从句)..
To be thinking of意思是据说正在考虑...
4.They are going to have the service man _______ an electric fan in the office tomorrow.
A. install  B. to install  C. to be installed  D. Installed
have sb do sth 要。。。做什么 (有强制意味)
have sb doing sth    使。。。一直。。。(常和时间段状语连用)
have sth done  ...被做
5.Jim is sorry _____ so impolite to your guest last Saturday.
A. to be  B. having been  C. being  D. to have been
解析:to have done第一种用法表示发生谓语动作之前的动作。
例如:He seems to have caught a cold. 他似乎感冒了。
6.The second book was _____  by August 1952, but two years later, the end was still nowhere in sight.
A. completed  B. to have completed
C. to complete  D. to have been completed
解析:to have done第二种用法表示“计划或者安排好的事情,在实际中没有能够实施”。
例句:I meant to have told you about it, but I forgot to do so.
7.Some people viewed the findings with caution, noting that a cause-and-effect relationship between passive smoking and cancer remains ________.
A. to be shown  B. to have shown
C. to have been shown  D. being shown
例句:Many problems remain to be solved. 有好多问题尚待解决。 It remains to be seen whether you are right. 你是否正确,以后见分晓
8.I'd rather read than watch television; the programs seem ______  all the time.
A. to get worse  B. to be getting worse
C. to have got worse    D. getting worse
9.The Clarks haven’t decided yet which hotel _______.
A. to stay  B. is to stay  C. to stay at   D. is for staying
10.______ him tomorrow?
A. Why not to call on    B. Why dont call on
C. Why not calling on  D. Why not call on
句型搭配:why not do sth.whatever什么意思或者 why don’t sb do sth.
11.Could you find someone ______?
A. for me to play tennis with
B. for me to play tennis
C. play tennis with
D. playing tennis with
解析:根据句意,如果是选D意思则是:你可以到/发现某人正在与( )打乒乓球吗?所以语义不通。
1. Aids is said ______  the number one killer of both men and women over the past few years in that region.
A. being  B. to be  C. to have been D. having been
解析:由句中的时间状语“over the past few years”可知动作发生在谓语动作之前,故应用不定式的完成式作宾语。
2. The team can handle whatever ______.
A. that needs handling  B. which needs handling
C. it needs handling      D. needs to be handled
解析:whatever在后半个句子中充当了主语的成分,所以不需要再添加that,it,which诸如此类的成分。Need+doing或者need to be done均可表示被动。需要被……
3. He resented _____ to wait. He expected the minister _____ him at once.
A. to be asked , to see    B. being asked, to see
C. to be asked, seeing    D. being asked, seeing