1. —Have you got any idea for the summer vacation?
—I don’t mind where we go ______ there’s sun, sea and beach.
A. as if                B. as long as            C. now that            D. in order that
2. -----Do you have a minute? I’ve got something to tell you.
  -----Ok, ______ you make it short.
  A. now that        B. if only          C. so long as        D. every time
if only一般是虚拟的,表示后面的东西是希望发生而往往不可能发生的。所以一般都用虚拟语气。更多的时候是翻成要是……该多好啊
3. All the neighbor admire this family _________the parents are treating their child like a friend.
  A. why            B. where         C. which          D. that
this family 是先行词,其实这里的where相当于in which,因为是定语从句,句子要还原,所以是这样的the parents are treating their child like a friend in this family
4. Nancy enjoyed herself so much ______ she visited her friends in Sydney last year.
A. that            B. which          C. when               D. where
5. _____ the Internet is of great help. I don’t think it’s a good idea to spend too much time on it.
A.    If            B. While           C. Because        D. As
while 置于句首引导让步状语从句表示虽然但是,而as 引导的让步状语从句需倒装
6. He found it increasingly difficult to read, ______ his eyesight was beginning to fail.
A. though            B. for            C. but                D. so
7. You’d better not leave the medicine ______ kids can get at it.
A. even if            B. which        C. where            D. so that
8. ______ hungry I am, I never seem to be able to finish off this loaf of bread.
A. Whatever          B. Whenever            C. Wherever            D. However
however除了然而的意思还有无论如何不管怎样的意思。这句意思是无论我多么饥饿,我看起来永远也不会吃完这块面包。“  whatever 虽然也有无论怎样的意思,但它常用来修饰名词,如He'll push on with his project whatever the difficulties may be.另外whatever在句子中做宾语,如whatever you want,无论你想要什么 however在句子中做状语,如whatever什么意思 however you want it,无论如何你想要它。前者的句子必缺少成分,you want句子不完整,缺宾语。而后者用的句子是完整的,you want it,这句话是完整的。所以,判断是whatever还是however,只要判断句子完整与否就好了。
9. I used to love that film ______ I was a child, but I don’t feel it that way any more.
A. once                B. when                    C. since                D. although
10. A small car is big enough for a family of three ____ you need more space for baggage.
A. once            B. because            C. if          D. unless
11. There were some chairs left over _____ everyone had sat down.
  A. when        B. until        C. that      D. where
12. Don’t promise anything ______ you are one hundred percent sure.
A. whether      B. after    C. how    D. unless
13. —Did you return Fred’s call?
  —I didn’t need to ____ I’ll see him tomorrow.
  A. though          B. unless      C. when            D. because
14. I’m sorry you’ve been waiting so long, but it’ll still be some time ____ Brian get back.
A. before      B. since        C. till        D. after
15. We’ll have a picnic in the park this Sunday _____ it rains or it’s very cold.
  A. since      B. if        C. unless       D. until
16. ---Are you ready for Spain
--Yes, I want the girls to experience that ___ they are young.
A. while            B. until            C. if            D. before
17. ___ well prepared you are , you still need a lot of luck in mountain climbing.
A. however            B. whatever        C. no matter            D. although
  although 不需要倒装,however=no matter how, 意思为无论你准备得怎样,你在登山时都需要运气。
18. ____ he had not hurt his leg, John would have won the race.
A. If    B. Since    C. Though    D. When
19. Pop music is such an important part of society ______ it has even influenced our language.
A. as    B. that    C. which      D. where
20. Small sailboats can easily turn over in the water ______ they are not managed carefully.
A. though    B. before    C. until      D. if