1.I am interested in_________ you have improved your spoken English in such a short time.
A.how    B.which    C.when    D.if
2.Andrew is such a rebellious person that he often offends against _______ others consider accepted rules.
A.that    B.what    C.which    D.whether
3.His mother did _______ she could ______ the boy.
A.what help    B.that help    C.what to help    D.that to help
4.Filled with anger, a person tends to say ______ comes to his mind.
A.whatever    B.whichever    C.whenever    D.whoever
5.All of us applauded the proposal _____ every cent should be used where it is needed most.
A.that    B.what    C.which    D.whether
6.__________ is no possibility __________ Bob can win the first prize in the match .
A.There ; whether    B.There ; that    C.It ; whether    D.It ; that
7.By reading the story, you may understand ______ to be successful.
A.it takes what    B.you take what    C.what takes you    D.what it takes
8.Friends are very important for teenagers.
Yes. A friend will be listened to___________a parent or a teacher might not.
A.where    B.what    C.why    D.which
9.—The hillside village remains primitive and unspoiled.
—That explains ______ people desire to explore such a remote place.
A.how    B.where    C.when    D.why
10.Their ship was blown off course by strong wind, and they arrived in ________is known as Greenland by chance.
A.where    B.when    C.what    D.which
11.The student completed this experiment to make come true ______ Professor Joseph had said.
A.that    B.what    C.when    D.where
12.______ they have won the game made us excited.
A./    B.That    C.What    D.Which
13.____________he’ll be able to come is not yet known.
A.That    B.If    C.Whether    D.What
14.Word came _______ Chinese climbers made it to the top of Mount Qomolangma once again on May, 27th.  I was always wondering _______ they managed to make such a great achievement .
A.which; why    B.that; why    C.that; how    D.when; how
15.The result of his experiment led to the conclusion______ ice will decrease when it melts.
A./    B.what    C.which    D.that
16.Everyone faces challenges in life. It’s a matter of __________ you learn to overcome them and use them to your advantage.
A.that    B.what    C.which    D.how
17.Modern science has given evidence _________ smoking can lead to many diseases.
A.what    B.which
C.that    D.where
18.I’m afraid he’s more of a talker than a doer, which is ________he never finishes anything.
A.that    B.when
C.where    D.why
19.I think my father would like to know_______I’ve been up to so far, so I decide to send him a quick note.
A.which    B.what    C.why    D.when
20.—It’s reported that the new underground line has been completed.
Yes, but it hasn’t been made clear    it’s to be opened to traffic.
A.that    B.who    C.what    D.when
21.In my view, ______ impresses me about her writing is the passion she shows.
A.who    B.which    C.what    D.whether
22.He explained ______ for his father's birthday party.
A.why was he late    B.why is he late
C.why he is late    D.why he was late
23.A saying goes_____ all work and no play___________ Jack a dull boy.
A.that; makes    B.which; makes    C.that; make    D.which; make
24.Alice arrived at  ________ she thought was a wonderland.
A.whichwhatever什么意思    B.that    C.what    D.whom
25.Many experts stick to the view ______ teacher development is the key to the education quality.
A.which    B.what    C.that    D.where
考查宾语从句。句意:我对你如何在这么短的时间里提高你的口语感兴趣。A. how怎样,如
何;B. which哪一个;C. when何时;D. if是否。分析句子可知,此处是宾语从句连接词,从句_________ you have improved your spoken English in such a short time的成分完整,但缺少“如何”之意,应用how连接,故选A项。
考查名词性从句和不定式作状语。句意:他的母亲尽她所能,帮助那个男孩。分析句子成分可知, _______ she could作动词did的宾语,且该宾语中省略了谓语动词do,空格处作该动词do的宾语,故用what,即what she could (do)为宾语从句,另外,分析句意可知, “帮助那个男孩”作目的状语,应用不定式,故填to help,综上,选C
考查宾语从句。句意:一个人生气时,容易脑子里有什么就说什么。tend to say…意为“倾向于说”,say为及物动词,可知后面句子为宾语从句。该宾语从句缺少主语,排除whenever,再结合意思应该是“不论什么”来到他的脑海中,而不是“无论谁”或“哪一个”,因为这里没有选择范围。故选A
分析宾语从句的连接词,首先要分析句子缺少什么成分;其次,要结合句子意思来确定具体的连接词。如本题say的宾语从句缺少主语,要选择关系代词。本题还有一难点,就是要弄清楚whatwhichwhateverwhichever的区别。一般地,what/whatever 没有范围;which/whichever是在有范围之内的一种选择。
I don’t know what he likes to eat.
Ask him which he likes best, the green apple or the red apple.