一. 什么是名词性从句?
What I need is a new desk.
He said that he will leave for Beijing next week.
His question is when the sports meet will take place.
He told me a lie that he had learned five foreign languages.
1.That  不充当任何成分,没有任何意思,只起连接作用。
  That the accident happened is your fault.
  I had no idea that you were here.
whatever什么意思 以上两句中,that 不可省略,只能在宾语从句中省略。如果省略的话,句子的意思不清,句子成分也不明。
2.whether, if ( 不做句子成分,有意思,有连接作用 )
  The question is whether the book is worth reading.
Whether the pollution can be controlled depends on the effect we will make.
  If 只能用于宾语从句,但不能用于介词宾语从句。
  He didn’t make sure if (whether)he would take part in the party.
  Everything depends on whether we have enough experience.
  Where they will make the experiment is twenty miles away from the city.
  Who will be the conductor has not been decided.
1. what
What he says is different from what he does.
What he left me is an expensive pen.
What he left me are a few old books.
2. whoever, whatever
Whoever borrowed books from the library must return
(Anyone who)
them on time.
They gave a present to whoever attended the meeting.
                  (everyone who)
Take whatever you want.
Each of us should do whatever work fit for his brains and ability.
3. 形式主语。
1) It is said that ….
It is reported that…
It is thought that …
It has not been decided that / when…
2) It is important that…
      It is necessary that…
      It is strange that…
    3) It is a pity that…
      It is an honour that…