I’m glad to hear that you have access to participating in an overseas communication activity in Britain which will last two months. I suggest that you should choose working as a volunteer thirty hours every month for the local community aging, hospital to gain a chance to stay in it for free. My reasons are as follows.
Not only can you enhance your social experiences, but also you can reduce your costs. Contrary to the accommodation arranged by the host, you can save a lot of money. Undoubtedly, the cost must have been high if you choose it. Staying in the aging hospital, the contrast couldn’t be greater. On the one hand, only by working as a volunteer can you gain a free stay. It sounds great! Your arrival will add colors to the atmosphere there. On the other hand, during our spare time, we will also spend time helping others in that our society teaches us to be a warm-heated person. Your arrival will also reduce the burdens there. As an old saying goes, “ We can gain both things at the same time.” So why not choose it?
I hope that you will take my advise. Best wishes that you will have a good time there. It is a golden chance that you will gain in summer vocation. In short, enjoy yourself.
It is said that you will go abroad to England for a two-month overseas communication activity in this summer vocation. I hear that you are hesitating whether to spend higher pric
e choosing arranged dormitory or to spend 30 hours every month serving the old to get a free living.
In my opinion, I think you should choose the first one. If you choose the second option, you will use too much time to do service instead of studying the local culture. Although communication with the old can get a lot of lively experience and avoid many mistakes in life, your most important responsibility is to learn how overseas students study and what they will learn. Arranged room can save you time and have more chances to live with peers who may have the same interest with you. By this, you can make a lot of young friends and if you are in trouble in future, they may give you some suggestions and a helping hand.
I wish that you would take my advice and I’m waiting to hear from you.
6 月份高考英语写作题
路线:从人民广场出发,途经南京东路,抵达外滩(the Bund)后原路返回
I’m a student named Lei Wang of our school. Hearing the news that our Students’ Union will organize a walking program and has put the drafted plan on the Internet, I’ll venture to air my thoughts about it as follows.
To begin with, from my point of view, the time planned is not appropriate. As is known to all,
the first day of May is the first day of holiday in China so that the center city of Shanghai is sure to be crowded on that day. To ensure that we students have a good taste of beauty of Shanghai, the date had better be put off till the end of the holiday. Besides, I hold the idea that the route should be revised. Personally, after approaching at the Bund, it’s not a good chance to go back according to the original route. Instead, we students can go to other places of interest to go back to school, which guarantees a golden opportunity of witnessing the beauty of Shanghai.
In a nutshell, all the thoughts above are based on my personal suggestions. I would be much obliged if my suggestions are fully considered.
Words come that a walking activity will be held in our school. About this activity, I have some ideas.
I think we can make the subject—finding Shanghai. I have seen the subject on our school I
nternet. I think it is greatful and interesting. But in my opinion, we should go to more local and historic place in Shanghai, such as Yu Garden. Because this local place is rich of many historical culture and meaningful.
So my plan is that we can go to Yu Garden first and then we can accept the plan on school Internet---start in People’s Square, Nanjing Road, end in the Bund. The another advice is that I think the time is not fit. Because on Sunday these popular place will attract many trouists, it is very dangerous. So I suggest that we should hold these activity on work day.
That’s all, I hope you can accept my advice. Thanks!
To whom it may concern,
Word has come that a hiking event will be held in our school. And you are seeking for opinions from teachers and students. I have some personal opinions about this event.
In the first place, I think we should stick closely to the subject—Finding Shanghai, which means letting hikers get to know more about Shanghai. We should go past some unique places which represent the city’s characteristics, such as Yu Garden, the Oriental Pearl TV Tower and etc. These places are full of factors of Shanghai’s historical culture and classic architecture. In the second place, I feel that the time is not appropriate, for on Sunday there popular places will be crowded with tourists and pedestrians, which is unfavorable to the event. In this case, I propose that we should hold this hiking event on a workday to avoid unnecessary congestion.