Liu Zongyuan (AD 773 - November 28, AD 8), the word thick, Han, Hedong (now Shanxi Yuncheng Yongji area), one of the Tang and Song eight, Tang Dynasty writer, philosopher, essayist and Thinker world called "Liuhe East", "Mr. Hedong", because the official end Liuzhou provincial governor, also known as "willow state". Liu Zongyuan and Han Yu and known as "Han Liu", and Liu Yuxi and said "Liu Liu", and Wang Wei, Meng Haoran, Wei Yingwu and said "Wang Meng Wei Liu."
Liu Zongyuan life of more than 600 works of poetry and writing, the text of the achievements than poetry. Parallel prose has nearly 100 articles, prose argument strong, sharp sharp, ironic spicy. Travel to write the scene, and more sustenance, "Mr. Hedong set", representative of "Creek", "Jiang Xue", "Fisherman."
Liu Zongyuan survivors built Liu's houses, is located in Shanxi Jincheng City Qinshui County Wenxing Village, for the national 4A level scenic spots.
Early life柳宗元的作品
Liu Zongyuan's ancestral home is Hedong County (Hedong Liu and Hedong
Xue's, Hedong Pei's and "Hedong three surname surname"), ancestors on behalf of the official (seven ancestors Liu Qing for the Northern Wei paternity, the closure of Yin Yin Gong. Gao Bozu Liu Shi was the prime minister, great-grandfather Liu Congyu, grandfather Liu Zha bow to have done magistrate). His father Liu Zhen served as Shi Yu Shi and other duties. Liu Zongyuan's mother Lushi Fan Yang Lu, ancestors on behalf of the official. Liu Zongyuan only two sisters.
773 years, Liu Zongyuan was born in the capital of Chang'an. At the age of four, the mother Lushi and his living in the Beijing West Manor, the mother of the initiation of education so that Liu Zongyuan had a strong interest in knowledge. Liu Zongyuan's childhood in Changan spent, so the corruption of the court incompetence, social crisis and turmoil have knowledge and feelings. (9 years old when encountered in the chaos, built four years, Liu Zongyuan to avoid the war came to his father's summer mouth. Only 12 years old Liu Zongyuan at this time also witnessed the separatist army of war) AD 785 years (Zhen Yuan first year), Liu Zhen to Jiangxi official. Liu Zongyuan with his father travel, direct contact with the community, an increase of knowledge. He is engaged in social, friendship and friends. Soon he returned to Chang'an. Father Liu Town, a long time in the government, the county, the real situation of the community to understand and develop a positive attitude and