Unit 4 Friends Forever
1.prefer v.更喜欢→          n.偏爱;优先权
2.deliver v递送,传送→          n.传递,递送
3.advance n.进步;进展→          adj.先进的;高级的
4.significantly adv.重大地;显著地→          adj.重大的;显著的→          n.意义;重要性
5.enable v.使可能;使发生→          adj.能干的;有能力的
6.unusual adj.异常的;不平常的→          adj.寻常的
7.tend v.易于做某事,往往会发生某事→          n.趋势;趋向
8.illustrate v.(举例)说明,阐明→          n.说明;例证;图解
9.prove v证明,证实→          n.证明;证据
10.inspiring adj.鼓舞人心的;启发灵感的→          n.灵感;鼓舞人心的人或事
11.comfort n.安慰,慰藉→          adj.舒适的,舒服的
12.patience n.耐心→          adj.耐心的 n.病人→          adv.耐心地
13.passion n.强烈的情感,激情→          adj.热诚的;狂热的
14.generosity n.慷慨,大方→          adj.慷慨的,大方的→          adv.慷慨地,大方地
15.humour n.幽默感→          adj.幽默的
16.anxious adj.焦虑的,不安的→          adv.焦虑地,不安地→          n.焦虑,不安
17.distance v.使与……保持距离,撇清和……的关系 n.距离→          adj.遥远的
18.fortune n.大笔的钱,巨款→          adj.幸运的→          adv.幸运地
19.correspond v.通信→          n.通信,联系;相关
20.appointed adj.约定的,指定的→          v.约定;任命→          n.约会;任命
21.bitterly adv.痛苦地,愤恨地→          adj.苦的;愤愤不平的
22.unfold v.(卷着的东西)展开,打开→          v.折叠;合拢
23.location n.地点,位置→          v.位于;确定……的位置
24.surroundings n.周围的事物,环境→          vt.包围;围绕→          adj.周围的;附近的
25.personality n.个性;性格→          adj.个人的;私人的
26.adventure n.历险(经历),奇遇→          adj.爱冒险的;大胆的;充满危险的

1.          不了解……的情况,不了解……的动态
2.          幸亏;多亏了;归功于
3.          与……保持联系
4.          社交媒体
5.          不分良莠一起抛弃
6.          闷闷不乐,不高兴
7.          提出
8.          (问题等)被提出
9.          以……为背景
10.          发财
11.          出现,露面

1.We         (correspond) with each other since we first met in 1990.
2.His wife has a very strong         (person) and they often quarrel.
3.He showed me our         (locate) on the map.
recycle是什么意思4.You will find him in the         (dine) room.
5.I need to work in pleasant         (surround).
6.Some insects take on the colour of their         (surrounding) to protect themselves.
7.Recent     (advance) in medical science have brought a lot of hope to people suffering from serious illnesses.
8.In fact, the school bags that were bought by my mother and aunt are not         (significa
nt) different.
9.Jack made a(n)         (adventure) journey by sailing around the world in his own sailboat.
10.The museum to be visited was within easy walking         (distant) of the hotel.
11.Many people expressed a strong         (prefer) for the original plan.
12.Few want to live without search engines or a quick         (deliver).
13.Judging from the way he laughed as he told it, it was meant to be            (humour).
14.She is so       (talent) that her success can only be a matter of time.
15.Simon got an     (inspire) from the     (inspire) story of the girl, and he set up a volunteer group to help the disabled. More and more  (teenage) joined it.
16.Grandpa survived the illness in the end, and it was     great comfort to our whole family.
17.My teacher     listened to me pour out my trouble with English learning, and then explained how to learn the subject with     .(patient) 
18.A home should be      (comfort) and friendly.
19.Enid was a good teacher. She was very       (patience) with her pupils.
20.She stopped corresponding       him after the death of her mother.