Module 12 Save our world
Unit 2 Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.
1.How green are you? 你有多环保?(教材第98页,3)
This kind of cleaning product is green. 这种清洁产品是环保的。
Let’s make our school a green school. 让我们打造一个绿环保学校。
2.Do you walk or ride a bike to school?你是步行还是骑车去上学?
Is your brother a teacher or a doctor? 你哥哥是老师还是医生?
Neither. He is a driver. 都不是。他是个司机。
(2)ride a =by bike骑自行车去.....
I ride a bike to school. = I go to school by bike.
ride a bike或者 take the bike
by bike
3.Do you take your own bag when shopping and not ask for a plastic bag?
Repair them if possible.如果可能,就修理一下它们。(教材第98页,3)
when shopping 是when you are shopping从句的省略式。当从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语中含be动词时,则从句中的主语+be动词一起省略
When (he was) playing the drum, he noticed Wendy was playing the piano.
While (I was) doing the dishes, I listened to the radio.
When (you are)in Rome, do as the Romans do.
【拓展】when doing/ while doing比较常见,已经成固定用法,有时候不拘泥于主语是否一致。
Good posture is important when (we are) working at the puter.
When ______ across the road, you should be careful.
A.walk      B. to walk      C. walked      D. walking
【解析】when walking 是when you are walking从句的省略式。当从句主语与主句主语一致,且从句谓语中含be动词时,则从句中的主语+be动词一起省略。故选D。
if 条件状语从句的省略
从句的主语是it,且谓语是be动词时,则主语it + be动词一起省略
课文句子中的if possible “如果可能” 是if it is possible的省略形式。
If possible, please inform me when you finish your homework.
(2)ask for“请求,要求”。
常见搭配ask sb for sth “向某人要某物”
You can ask for help if you can’t finish the task on your own.
Don’t ask your parents for money any more since you’ve grown up.
4.And what do you do with the bottles when they are empty? 瓶子空了时你怎样处理?
【辨析】 do with 和deal with
do with常与what连用,侧重对某物的利用或处置。
deal with常与how连用,强调处理问题的方式或方法等。
I don't know what to do with the mistakes.
=I don't know how to deal with the mistakes.我不知道如何处理这些错误。
5.Do you divide the waste into things to recycle and things to throw away?
(1)divide及物动词,意为“(使)分开”, divide…into… “把…分成…”
The room is divided into four sections.房子被划分成四个部分。
(2)throw away “扔掉;丢弃”,是“动副”结构宾语是人称代词recycle是什么意思时,要在动副两词中间
Please throw it away.请把它扔掉。
6.We all need a healthy environment, but we produce waste every day, and it is harmful to our environment.我们都需要一个健康的环境,但我们每天制造废物,这对我们的环境是有害的。
be harmful to 对…有害
近义短语:do harm tobe bad for
Playing puter games is harmful to your eyes.
= Playing puter games does harm to your eyes.
= Playing puter games is bad for your eyes.  玩电脑游戏对你的眼睛有害。
7. Repeat these three words daily: reduce, reuse and recycle.
repeat [及物动词] “重说
Please repeat what I said just now.  请把我刚才说的话重复一遍。
reduce [及物动词]“减少;降低;缩小
reduce to…减少到…(强调减少后达到的数量)
reduce by…减少了…(强调减少的程度)
Alice tries to reduce her weight.爱丽丝设法减肥。
The number of the teacher in our school reduces to 110.我们学校的教师数量减少到了110。
The price of the football was reduced by 30%.足球的价格降了30%。
reuse [及物动词] “再次使用,重复使用
Cloth bags can be reused many times. 布袋可以被重复使用。
recycle [及物动词]“回收利用(废品)”,[名词] recycling.
We should recycle the papers. 我们应当回收利用这些纸。
8. Use things for as long as possible.尽可能长久地使用东西。(教材第98页,3)
as…as possible “尽可能…地”,也可换成as…as one can
Simon runs as quickly as possible.
=Simon runs as quickly as he can.西蒙尽他可能最快地跑。
9. Look after them so that they will last.好好保养它们,以便它们能持久耐用。
(1)这里的look after意为“保管,保养某物”,此短语还可以用于“照顾某人”。
I have to stay at home to look after my grandma. 我必须留在家里照顾我奶奶。
(2)last [动词] 持续,持久,耐用。表示“持续”时,后面可跟具体的时间。
The meeting only lasted a few minutes. 这个会只开了几分钟。
last[形容词] “最后的;上一个的”,这是我们之前学的last的用法。
He is the last student to leave the school. 他是最后一个离开学校的。
What did you do last weekend? 你上个周末做什么了?
10. It’s better to use china cups and cloth bags because they can be used many times.
it’s better to do sth “做某事更好”,it 是形式主语,to do是真正主语。