(  )1. What are you going to do _____ Saturday morning ?
A. for
B. in
C. at
D. on
(  )2. —_____ are you going tomorrow ? —Bookstore.
A. What
B. Where
C. When
D. How
(  )3. _______ is Sarah going to buy the plants ?
A. What
B. where
C. Who
D. Where
(  )4. If you want to see a film , you can go to the ________.
A. library
B. cinema
C. bookstore
D. post office (  ) 5.The Science Museum is near the school ________the right.
B. at
C. in
1. don’t (完整形式)____________
2. I’ll (完整形式)_______
3. let us (缩写形式)____________
4. draw (ing形式)______
5. one (序数词)_______________
1.—________ are you going to _________ this afternoon ?
—        going to        my grandparents.
2.—        is your father          to the cinema ?
—He                the cinema at 5:00 this afternoon.
3.—          are  you            ?
—I’m going to the science museum.recycle是什么意思
4.—                Sarah going to          ?
—She                      buy a c omic book.
5.—              , is there a bookstore near here ?
—Yes,            .
1.I’m going to the plant shop.(用where提问)
_______________________________________________                                    2.Sarah is going to buy a magazine.(用what提问)
3.Amy is going to the bookstore this weekend.(用 when提问)
_______________________________________________                                      4.Zheng Peng is go to the park by bus.(改错句,写出正确的句子)
5.How can you get to the school? (在邮局右转)(根据提示回答)
一、1.D  2.B  3.D    4.B  5.A
二、 not    2.I will  3.let’s  4.drawing    5.first
三、1.What; do ; I’m ; visit;  2.What; going ; is going to    3.Where ;
going    4.What is ; do; is going to    5.Excuse me ; there is
四、1.Where are you going ?
2.What is Sarah going to buy?
3.Where is Amy going to the bookstore this weekend?
4.Zheng Peng is going to the park by bus.
5.Turn right at the post office.