Recycle 1第一课时同步练习
A    B.     C.     D.  
E.  F.   G.     I.  
J.   H.
1.hospital (  )    2.school (  )      3.on foot(  )  4.by bus (  ) 5.dictionary (  )
6.newspaper (  )  7.post office (  ) 8inema (  )  9.by bike (  )  10.by subway. (    )
(  )1.How do you go to school?        A.祝你生日快乐!
(  )2.Stop at a red light.              B.我怎么才能到博物馆?
(  )3.Excuse me.here is the library?  C.红灯停。
(  )4.How can I get to the museum?    D.对不起,请问,图书馆在哪?
(  )5.Happy birthday to you!          E.你怎么上学去的?
  1.How do you go to school?            A. This afternoon
  2.here is the library?                B.I`m going to the cinema.
  3.Thank you.                        C.You`re wele.
  4.hat are you going to do this evening?  D.It`s near the post office.
  5.hen are you going?                E.I go to school on foot.
1.E  2.F  3.G  4.J  5.A  6.B  7.C  8.D  9.I  10.H
1.E  2.C  3.D  4.B  5.A
1.E  2.D  3.C  4.B  5.A

班级            姓名           
1. Gao Shan’s uncle is            ( short) than his father.
2. The horse is as           ( thin) as the goat .
3. ho’s taller than        ( she).
4. That isn’t my coat.        (y) is over there.
5. I want to      (visit) him one day.
6. r Elephant’s tail is      (long) than r onkey’s.
7. Let me        (show) you how      (do) it.
8. You can        (play) the puter games.
9. hy don’t you       (make) a puppet?
10. Look! The children          (have) an English lesson.
11. hat’s your            (high)?
12. The red skirt is            (small) than the bule one.
13. e        (have) a birthday party yesterday.
14. Can you pick          (them) up for me?
15. It’s Children’s Day. All the students are very            (excite).
16.Ben an Benny are good at         (China).
17. She wants        (buy) a new pen.
18. It often          (rain) in summer.
19. Sometimes they        (not have) lunch at home.
20. Look! The bus            recycle是什么意思(e).
21. He         (make) many cakes for his friends yesterday.
22.          (be) there any tea in the cup?
23. iss Li          (teach) you English next term.
24. y brother        (see) his classmate’s photo in the newspaper yesterday.
25. He          (like) making a snowman in winter.
26. She          (go) to the cinema with her classmates tomorrow evening.
27. Sam and I        (be) in different classes. There    (be) one hundred students in our classes.
28. ----Look! hat      they      (do) now?
  ----They           (pick) the apples.
29. hat would you like          (eat)? I want to eat some cakes.
30. ----hat     (do) Su Hai do on last Sunday morning?
  ----She       (go) for a walk in the park.
31. ----      (do) you go swimming last Saturday?
  ----No. e         (watch) a film.
32. ----hat      (do) ang Bing usually do after school?
  ----He usually      (go) home and       (draw) some pictures.
33. ----Is iss Li in the teacher’s office now?
  ----No. She’s        (take) photos in the garden.
34. It’s         ( rainy / raining) in spring in New York.
35. Summer in New York is as        (hot / hotter) as Nanjing.
36. Su Yang wants to know about      (weather / the weather) in Shanghai.
37.           (There is / There are) a lot of rain in spring in the city.
38. hich season         (are / do) you like best?
39. Ben        (want) a penfriend in China.
40. iss Li         (like)         (draw) horses.
41. y hobbies are           (swim) and         (dance).
42. I      (read) newspapers last night.
43. I am         (do ) my homework now.
44. David is         (show) his photos to his classmates.
45. I       (have) a birthday party last week. y penfriend       (e) ty party, and I was very happy.
46. ----Do you like                (yellow flower)?
  ----No, I don’t.
47. ----                 (there be) any shops near your school?
48. ----Do you like        (row)?
  ----Yes, I do.
49. ----hat are you going to do?
  ----I’m going to              (have a picnic).
50. Last Friday, I              (take part in) a sports meeting.
51. ----hat              (do) he like?