    1. Make way for:让路给
    例如:Please make way for the ambulance.(请为救护车让路。)
    2. Give way to:让…先行
    例如:Pedestrians should be given way to at all times.(行人应该随时让行。)
    3. Step aside for:为…让开
    例如:Please step aside for the VIP.(请为贵宾让开。)
    4. Clear the way for:为…让路
    例如:The police cleared the way for the president's motorcade.(警察为总统的车队让路。
    5. Yield to:让…先行
    例如:Drivers should yield to pedestrians at all times.(驾驶员应该随时让行人先行。)
    6. Give priority to:优先考虑
    例如:We should give priority to the needs of the elderly and disabled.(我们应该优先考虑老年人和残疾人的需求。)
    7. Stand aside for:为…让位
    例如:The CEO asked everyone to stand aside for the new employee.(CEO要求大家为新员工让位。)
    8. Step back for:为…退后
    例如:Please step back for the safety of the performers.(为了表演者的安全,请后退。)