My friend 英语作文-难忘的好朋友
This is what happened in my fourth grade children's day. On this day, I is dried and back schoolbag go to school, because today is children's day, just got to school in the class, I saw in the class with a couplet written above the five words {happy children's day]. I saw very happy, the students are enthusiastic, I put down the bag take out I had just bought ribbons stick it on the wall, my classmates saw all say you bought a beautiful ribbon, the children's day will be a lot better than last year. At noon, I was walking to the street, suddenly hit a person, at this moment I'm so nervous,
hurriedly and pick him up and said to him: I'm sorry, but he said it doesn't matter, I knocked his feet bleeding, and he says it doesn't matter, he suddenly say: "let's make friends, I looked at him, he said ok, then he said: what is your name my name is in no hurry to tell him, he also told me his name, he said, you blaspheme 凢 grade, and I told him in no hurry I read grade four, he also said that he can read the fourth grade he said take him to go to my school, I can say, in the school, I asked him why didn't you go to read the book, he
said home is a little thing, so a trip with my mother came back, oh, it was so, so let me be your guide to take you to
our class, he happily said good, I serve him for more than an hour. The bell rang, and I sit together with him, the teacher came in and asked," who is this ah, I put his name is teacher, tell my good friend he was for my teacher introduced himself, he was a man who understand the ritual reserved advantage ah, the teacher is announced we free activities, I play with him the whole day too happy, but when I woke up the next day
accidentally received a letter, this is my good friend left一念之差
我的好朋友英语作文>刘勰《文心雕龙》描写爱情的古诗词me write only a few lines of words he said he would go and
say I am very happy to be with you, I want to go back to my mother.
He was left only leaving a doll for me. See this is the most unforgettable thing in my life.