1. 春秋笔法 (chūn qiū bǐ fǎ) - Referring to the writing style used in the Spring and Autumn Annals, it means a concise and straightforward writing style.
2. 大智若愚 (dà zhì ruò yú) - Meaning that a person with great wisdom appears to be foolish, it emphasizes the virtue of modesty.
3. 修身齐家治国平天下 (xiū shēn qí jiā zhì guó píng tiān xià) - Referring to the set of values and moral principles that one should cultivate in order to maintain harmony in society.
五经四书4. 克己奉公 (kè jǐ fèng gōng) - Meaning to restrain oneself and dedicate oneself to public service, it emphasizes the importance of self-discipline and dedication to one's duties.
5. 孟母三迁 (mèng mǔ sān qiān) - Referring to the three moves made by Mencius' mother to ensure a proper environment for her son's upbringing. It means the importance of providing a good environment for education.
6. 以文会友 (yǐ wén huì yǒu) - Meaning to make friends through shared interests and cultural pursuits, it emphasizes the value of intellectual exchange and mutual understanding.
7. 一字千金 (yī zì qiān jīn) - Referring to the power of words, it means that a single word can be worth a thousand pieces of gold, highlighting the importance and impact of eloquence and effective communication.
8. 德才兼备 (dé cái jiān bèi) - Meaning to possess both virtue and talent, it emphasizes the importance of moral character and abilities.
9. 名不副实 (míng bù fù shí) - Referring to someone or something that falls short of its reputation, it warns against judging solely based on appearance or reputation.
10. 负荆请罪 (fù jīng qǐng zuì) - Originating from the story of Bao Zheng, it means to admit one's mistake humbly and willingly accept punishment or criticism.