宝儿晚餐鲁迅雪  方法1. Throw yourself in at the deep end
  Many people will look you in the eye and tell you with utter conviction that the only way to learn is to move to the country of your target language. This isnt strictly true, but it obviously makes immersion more likely. You still have to seek out opportunities for the lengthy and laborious conversations. Define your new environment early on and in the language you want to learn.
  方法2. Speaking with natives for one hour is more useful than studying for weeks at school
  When youre just starting out, equip yourself with questions. As you stumble through your first exchanges, you may sometimes perceive yourself as an eye-rollingly tedious conversation partner. Remember that people love to talk about themselves. Expand the range of questions you ask when you meet people and prepare your own answers.
  方法3. Blur the lines between your free time and your learning time
  Theres a great Eddie Izzard sketch where he pokes fun at the morose inactivity of British film when compared with the bombastic sensationalism of Hollywood. Different countries tell stories differently, and they often have a whole cast of acting royalty that is barely known beyond their borders.
什么叫网站优化  当艾迪伊扎德在将英国电影与的好莱坞电影做比较时,他那戏谑英国电影沉闷无聊的段子还是很经典的。国家不同,描述事情的方式也不同,而且通常他们有自己一整套的标准规范,其他国家的人是不知道。
  方法4.Travel as much as you possibly can
  If you travel, you will enjoy the enormous utility of languages first-hand. Your languages
will facilitate your movements, ensure a richer diversity of more authentic experiences, and may well even reduce the cost of your trip.
酒能不能上高铁  如果你出去旅行,那你就会很频繁地直接用到各种语言。语言说多了就会加速自己的行动,保证亲身体验的多样性,还可能会减少旅程的花费哦。
  方法5. Take control of your own class
  How would you like to learn? How do you think you learn best? Do you know the answers to these questions? Have you ever asked yourself these questions? Remember that the most important question is how you like to learn, not how you learn best. If you enjoy the learning process, youll stick to it, and even if it takes a little longer, who cares? Youre enjoying it, after all. So relocate your class to a park, listen to music in your new language while walking to work, or best of all, meet up with a friend whos a native speaker or also learning, and immerse yourself in the simple pleasures of coffee and conversation, just like the protagonists of our video.
【推荐阅读】学习英语有方法 英语不再难
英文美文  1.听听、说说、做做。
  在学完 1-10的数字后,可拿出篮球,边拍球边用英语数数,这样既玩了球,又复习了数字,一举两得。又如,在学习Body时,可做Touch游戏,即让老师发指令,同学边做动作,边重复身体部位名称。如,老师说:“Touch your mouth.”同学边指自己的嘴巴,边说:“Mouth, mouth, this is my mouth.”这样既锻炼了同学的听力,又加深了同学的记忆。
  在学完一星期七天的英语表达方式后,可以学唱“The days of the week.”,这样能很快地记住Sunday、Monday等单词,取得事半功倍的效果。
  在学习hot, cold, rainy, windy等表示天气情况的单词的同时,可用简单的图画来表示单词
的意思。如:戴草帽或摇扇子表示hot,打伞或穿雨衣表示rainy,头戴纱巾或树枝摇摆表示windy,戴墨镜表示sunny,打雨伞、摇扇子表示hot and rainy……
  在学My clothes时,同学可根据老师的指令画出衬衫、毛衣、裤子、连衣裙等衣物,与此同时,还可根据指令给这些衣服涂上不同的颜,并把这些衣物画在桌子上、椅子上或挂在绳子上。通过这一系列活动,既巩固了新学的单词(衣服名称),同时又复习了已学过的知识(颜、方位)。