Small things make a big difference.The small things we do can make us a responsible member of the society.写作小贴士
As we all know, it’s undoubtedly significant for us to become a responsible member of the s
ociety.However, much to our surprise, it’s not that difficult for us to grow into such a person.Even small things will do.I can remember doing some voluntary work with my classmates in the nursing home near our school on May Day.On our arrival, we presented the elderly with flowers and fruits.Then, we
①started working at once, cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor.With everything done, we
②sat in the yard chatting with the elderly people.When it was time to leave, the elderly people expressed their thanks for our love and help.Tired as we were, we all felt so proud, for what we did has not only brought joy to others, but also ③enriched our own lives.满分简评
本文紧扣题目要求,通过描述去敬老院献爱心的事件,向我们讲述了小事情所带来的积极影响,结构清晰,要点齐全。叙述部分恰当运用了一些连接词:however, then等使得文章条理清晰,连贯自然。
①“cleaning the windows and sweeping the floor” 中现在分词作伴随状语,体现考生功底。② 使用了独立主格结构with everything done, 提升了文章的档次。③“for what we did has not only brought joy to others, but also enriched our own lives” 中主语从句和并列连词的使用,使文章加分不少。词汇积累
undoubtedly 毫无疑问地
significant 有意义的 enrich 使丰富 译文
满分范例2 Surprising as it may sound, even small things can contribute to helping us to grow up into responsible members of the society, which is of great importance.I will always remember what happened when I was on a visit to a beautiful lake in the ①countryside last Sunday.Having arrived at the lake, I sat on the bench, ready to enjoy the ②scenery.However, just at that moment, I heard a girl calling for help.It was obvious that she was drowning.I immediately rushed around the lake to search for her and found her almost in the center of the lake struggling.On seeing that, I dived into the lake without hesitation and swam ③towards her.Eventually, I bought her back to the bank and rushed her to the hospital with the help of others.When all the people expressed their praise and thanks to me, I felt very proud and happy.And since then, I have decided to make myself be a responsible member of the society.满分简评
本文结构清晰,行文流畅,讲述了勇救落水女孩的事件,提醒我们凡事从身边小事做起。文中连接词和高级语法的使用是亮点,文章分别用having arrived, just at that moment, on
seeing that, immediately, eventually等来标明时间发生的经过,使得行文清晰流畅。①remember后接what引导的宾语从句,宾语从句的使用为本文的亮点之一。②having arrived为现在分词作时间状语,体现了考生的写作能力。③On seeing…的句型的使用也可看出考生对英语的把握。译文
满分范例3 I always held the opinion that it is challenging to be a responsible member of the society.However, an activity to remind my schoolmates to stop wasting has changed my attitude towards it.The activity was held by our class last week.First of all, we informed our schoolmates to
②face the problem that some students waste water, electricity, food, paper and so on.Besides, we also help them realize that these bad habits will not only waste the limited natural resources, but they can also have a bad effect on the formation of our character and personality.Most importantly, we took the lead in reducing the waste.Thanks to such an activity, we all start with ourselves to save everything useful around.I am also aware that even a small thing we do can help us grow up into responsible members of the ③society.满分简评
①first of all, besides, more importantly作为连接词,使得全文连贯、紧凑。①开篇就使用t