网络的大学生英语作文 篇1
What are College Students Doing on the Internet
Nowadays surfing the Internet has become very popular on campus. I am impressed most that many college students spend too much time playing games and chatting on the Internet.
As is well known, chatting and playing and can do much harm to us if we spend too much time on the virtual world. Firstly, it is an enormous waste of time and we will have little time f
or our study. Secondly, those who play games or chat day and night will be harmed physically for lack of rest and sleep. Thirdly, our social ties will suffer as a result of the immersion in the virtual world. The last but not the least, it will cost us much money.
In my opinion, we should deal with the Internet carefully. On the one hand, we can get some pleasure and knowledge from the Internet. On the other hand, we shouldn spend too much time, energy and money on the Internet because study is our priority. In conclusion, we should make good and proper use of the Internet.
网络的大学生英语作文 篇2
Social Networking’s Influence on College Students
Social networking has gained huge worldwide popularity in recent years, especially among college students. In China, college student is the main force of social networking, 97.7% of which are fond of instant messaging and 80.7% prefer social networking sites like micro-blog and Q-zone (China Internet Network Information Center, 2013). Moreover,
Michigan State University Original Study also finds that compared with Chinese students, American students are more tied to social media (2013). Therefore, nowadays there is a heated debate about advantages and disadvantages about social networking’s influence on college students.
Obviously, there are a number of positive features on social networking. It provides a convenient access to consolidate the relationship with people they know, make friends with strangers without restrictions of space and share happiness and sorrow. What’s more, social networking also has educational functions including reducing college drop-out rates, motivating students to work as a team, sending information about assignments, reminding students about deadline and stimulating students to help each other. (BBC News, 2009). There is no doubt that social networking plays a significant role in eiching students’ college lives.
However, every coin has two sides. There are also many disadvantages on the influence of social networking, among which, “soft addiction” is the most serious problem, distractin
g students from study. Because of lack of self-restriction, many students would waste plenty of time to search the social networking sites unconsciously, followed by a strong tendency to blame themselves (Li, 2013). This kind of “soft addiction” and distraction was also confirmed by Zhang (2011) who conducted a survey by questionare of 500 Chinese college students from different schools and found that 33% students could not bear one-week life without social networking and 77% students could not help themselves accessing social networking site during classes. Furthermore, a social experiment was performed by Harrisburg University (Pilkington, 2010) to figure out the effect after initiating blackout of all social networking sites. It turned out that some students became more concentrated on
the tutor and making notes instead of having instant messaging running in classes.
As far as I’m concerned, the disadvantages far outweigh the advantages, especially in China, where social networking is used for communication and entertainment and seldom plays the educational role (Li, 2011). The priority of a college student is to study hard inste
网络作文ad of being addicted to social networking. Therefore, it is imperative for them to realize their “soft addiction” to social networking and correct their behavior.
网络的大学生英语作文 篇3
In the era of information and technology, the Internet plays an important role in our
society. However, people’s opinions are still divided on this point. Those who are in favor of the Internet claim that it has a lot of advantages. Firstly, information searching is no longer a tough job with the help of all kinds of search engines. Secondly, we can contact friends or business partners via e-mails or software such as Internet Meeting and Yahoo Messenger.
Those who are opposed to the Internet hold that its disadvantages are numerous. In the first place, using the Internet costs considerable time, money and energy, especially for those with poor self-control. In the second place, increasing young people are indulged in online
网络的大学生英语作文 篇4
Social network: connection and isolation
A social network, said by google, is a social structure made up of a set of social actors (such as individuals or organizations) and a set of the dyadic ties between these actors. With the rapid development of network, we unintentionally found that t QQ, Microblog, etc. have altered the landscape of social interaction, particularly among young people.
What‘s the influence of the social network, connection or isolationDifferent person has different point of view. On the one hand, social networking is a social structure composed of different complex social connections of individuals or groups. Connected by similar values, interests, or certain bonds in reality, social networking links various people together, making the world much smaller. The friends that you can make are another one of the many benefits to social networking online. However, some people hold the opposite view, purporting that social networks are more like mutual isolation networks that detach people from meaningful interactions with one another and make them less human.