Francis Bacon's "Of Studies" 中英文对照
Introduction 引言
In his essay "Of Studies," Francis Bacon discusses the importance and benefits of studying. Bacon emphasizes the various ways in which study can enhance one's life and character. This essay presents a comparison between the original English version and its Chinese translation. The aim is to explore how the author's ideas and arguments are effectively conveyed in both languages. While the content may differ slightly due to translation, the essence of Bacon's insights remain intact.
第一部分:关于学习的价值 Part 1: The Value of Studies
Original (English) 原文(英文):
Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability. Their chief use for delight is in privateness and retiring; for ornament, is in discourse; and for ability, is in the judgment and disposition Read not to contradict and confute; nor to believe and take for granted; nor to find talk and discourse, but to weigh Some books are to be tasted, others to be swallowed, and some few to be chewed
Translation (Chinese) 翻译(中文):
学习的价值在于获得欢乐、装饰人生和增长能力。其中获得欢乐是在独处时享受,装饰人生则是在交流中展现,而增长能力则体现在对业务的判断和处理... 不要阅读来反驳和证伪;也不要盲信和默认;更不要追求言谈和辩论,而要权衡和思考... 有些书只需咀嚼几下品味,有些书可以略读摘要,还有一些书则需要仔细研读消化...
第二部分:学习的影响 Part 2: The Influence of Studies
Original (English) 原文(英文):
Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they
teach not their own use, but that there is a wisdom without them and above them, won Studies perfect nature, and are perfected Studies also enable us to examine, reflect, and judge the various matters of
Translation (Chinese) 翻译(中文):
心机的人会谴责学习,单纯的人会钦佩学习,智慧的人会运用学习;因为学习不仅教会我们如何运用知识,还让我们认识到世界之外与之上的更大智慧,这是通过不断观察得来的... 学习能完善天性,而且也需要借助经验加以完善... 学习还使我们能够审视、思考和判断世间万物...
论学习第三部分:学习与各个领域的联系 Part 3: The Connection of Studies with Various Fields
Original (English) 原文(英文):
Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral philosophy, grave; logic and rhetoric, able Studying enables one to have conversation with the past, and speech with the present; writing becomes an art, jud
Translation (Chinese) 翻译(中文):
历史使人明智,诗人使人机智,数学使人深邃,自然哲学使人博学,道德哲学使人庄重,逻辑和修辞使人善辩... 学习使我们能与过去交流、与现实对话;写作变得艺术化,判断力得到提升...
结论 Conclusion
Francis Bacon's essay "Of Studies" provides valuable insights into the significance of studying. Through the comparison of the original English version and its Chinese translation, we can observe the ability of language to convey ideas and arguments effectively. While there may be slight differences in wording and expression, the fundamental meaning of Bacon's discourse remains consistent in both languages. This comparison serves as a reminder of the importance of studying and the power of language in capturing and conveying knowledge.
总结 Conclusion
第一部分:关于学习的价值 Part 1: The Value of Studies
学习的价值在于获得欢乐、装饰人生和增长能力。其中获得欢乐是在独处时享受,装饰人生则是在交流中展现,而增长能力则体现在对业务的判断和处理... 不要阅读来反驳和证伪;也不要盲信和默认;更不要追求言谈和辩论,而要权衡和思考... 有些书只需咀嚼几下品味,有些书可以略读摘要,还有一些书则需要仔细研读消化...
将原文的“Studies serve for delight, for ornament, and for ability.”部分进行了调整和拆分,保持了意思和逻辑的连贯性。
第二部分:学习的影响 Part 2: The Influence of Studies
心机的人会谴责学习,单纯的人会钦佩学习,智慧的人会运用学习;因为学习不仅教会我们如何运用知识,还让我们认识到世界之外与之上的更大智慧,这是通过不断观察得来的... 学习能完善天性,而且也需要借助经验加以完善... 学习还使我们能够审视、思考和判断世间万物...
将原文的“Crafty men condemn studies, simple men admire them, and wise men use them; for they teach not their own use, but that there is a wisdom without them and above them, won ”部分进行了拆分与重新组织。
第三部分:学习与各个领域的联系 Part 3: The Connection of Studies with Various Fields
逻辑和修辞使人善辩... 学习使我们能与过去交流、与现实对话;写作变得艺术化,判断力得到提升...
将原文的“ Histories make men wise; poets, witty; the mathematics, subtle; natural philosophy, deep; moral philosophy, grave; logic and rhetoric, able ”部分进行了拆分和组织。
结论 Conclusion
Francis Bacon's essay "Of Studies" provides valuable insights into the significance of studying. Through the comparison of the original English version and its Chinese translation, we can observe the ability of language to convey ideas and arguments effectively. While there may be slight differences in wording and expression, the fundamental meaning of Bacon's discourse remains consistent in both languages. This comparison serves as a reminder of the importance of studying and the power of language in capturing and conveying knowledge.