Your Name                                           
Address: (Street, City, Country)
Telephone Number: (Country code)
Best time of day to contact:
Skype ID:( 请百度skype后注册登陆)
Date of Birth: (MM,DD,YYYY)            Place of Birth: (City, Country)
Country of Citizenship:            Country of Residence:
Field of Training Desired:
Length of Program desired:  (e.g., 3 months, 6 months, 12 months)
Date available to start training:
University/School Name:
Location: (City, Country)                    Institution start date: (MM/YY)
Graduation/Expected graduation date: (MM/YY)
Field of Study:
University/School contact name:
University/School contact tel:
University/School contact email:
University/school website:
Classes Taken at School/University Relevant to Desired Training: 
Company Name:
Company contact name:
Company contact tel:
Company contact email:
Company website:
Position:(职位)英文个人简历                    Location: (City, Country)
Duration: From (MM/YY) to (MM/YY)        Total Number of Months:
Tasks/Responsibilities: (详细描述你的工作职责)
Company Name:
Company contact name:
Company contact tel:
Company contact email:
Company website:
Position:(职位)                        Location: (City, Country)
Duration: From (MM/YY) to (MM/YY)        Total Number of Months:
Tasks/Responsibilities: (请详细描述你的工作职责)
Company Name:
Company contact name:
Company contact tel:
Company contact email:
Company website:
Position:(职位)                    Location: (City, Country)
Duration: From (MM/YY) to (MM/YY)        Total Number of Months:
Tasks/Responsibilities: (请详细描述你的工作职责)
Languages & Level: (e.g., Beginner, Intermediate, Fluent, Bi-lingual, Native)
Computer Skills:
Special Awards/Honors/Certifications:
Activities & Interests(请详细介绍)                                   
Eg.Expand on your interests- not just list the word " sports" or "Photography"- What about them?
What type of an award or achievement is CET -4 or NCRE -1 ?
Please answer the following questions                 
1. Why do you want to come to US and join this program?
2. Why should the American employer hire you?
3. How would you describe your character/personality?
4. Please describe any skiing, snowboarding, or swimming experience you have.
5. Do you prefer to work alone or in a group? Why?
6. What will be your greatest challenge in the U.S.?