Xi'an, the eternal(永恒的)city, records the great changes of the Chinese nation just like a living history book,Called Chang'an in
ancient times.Xian is one of the birthplaces of the ancient civilization in the YellowRiver Basin area of the country. During Xi'an's 3,100
year development, 13 dynasties such as WesternZhou (11th century
BC - 771 BC), Qin (221 BC - 206 BC), Western Han (206 BC - 24 AD)
and Tang (618 - 907) placed their capitals here. So far, Xi'an enjoys
equal fame with Athens, Cairo, and Rome as one ofthe four major ancient civilization capitals. Xi'an is the capital of Shaanxi province,
located in the southern part of the Guanzhong Plain. With the Qinling
Mountains to the south and the Weihe River to the north, it is in a
favorable geographical location surrounded by water and hills. It has
a semi-moist monsoon climate and there is a clear distinction between the four seasons. Except the colder winter, any season is
relatively suitable for traveling. The cultural and historical significance of the area, as well as the abundant relics and sites(遗迹),help Xi'an enjoy the laudatory title(美称) of 'Natural History Museum'. The Museum of Terra Cotta Warriors and Horses(兵马俑) is praised as 'the eighth major miracle of the world', Mausoleum (陵墓)of Emperor Qin Shi Huang is listed on the World Heritage List(世界遗产名录) , and the City Wall of the Ming Dynasty (1368 - 1644) is the largest and most intact(完整的) Ming Dynasty castle in the world. In the city, there is the 3,000 year old Banpo Village Remains from the Neolithic Age (新石器时代)(approximately from 8000 BC to 5000 BC),
and the Forest of Stone Steles (碑林)that holds 3,000 stone steles of different periods from the Han Dynasty to the Qing Dynasty. Around
Xi'an, the Famen Temple enjoys the reputation of being the
'forefather of pagodas and temples in Central Shaanxi,' because it holds the finger bones of Sakyamuni -- the founder of Buddhism. The natural landscape (自然风光)around Xi'an is also marvelous(极妙的,不可思议的). Mt.Huashan ,one of the five best-known mountains in China, is fam
ous for its breath-taking (令人吃惊的)cliffs(悬崖) and its unique characteristics.Traditional downtown Xi'an refers to the area encircled (环绕)by the city wall, this has now been expanded to encompass(围绕) the area within the second ring road (Er' huan Lu). The Bell Tower is the geographical center of Xi'an and the four main streets are respectively (分别地)Dong Dajie, Xi Dajie, Nan Dajie and Bei Dajie which are also the main commercial streets. Xiao Zhai, the busiest commercial area is in the southern part of the city and is popular with both youths and students since many universities are located here. Shuyuan Men and the still under construction Luoma Shi are must-visit pedestrian (步行的)streets in the city. Xi'an is also famous for its quantity of colleges throughout China. The old campuses of many colleges and universities are massed in the
southern suburb of Xi'an, but most have established new campuses in far southern suburb - Chang'an District due to the lack of space within the city. As tourist development grows in Xi'an, the hotel industry flourishes(茂盛,繁荣) more and more. It is very easy to find a
hotel in Xi'an, ranging from 5 star hotels to youth hostels. Of course, it will be any traveler's first choice to stay in the city center due to the superior geographical location and the convenient transportation. Praised as 'the capital of table delicacies', Xi'an has been rich in the delicious Shaanxi snack(小吃), delicate Guangdong Cuisine, various kinds of fashionable foreign delicacies, and popul
ar Sichuan Cuisine such as the hot pot. Among all the delicacies, the most famous and popular one is the Muslim Snack Street. Xi'an is the most important city in northwest China, and so there are a lot of shopping outlets for locals and tourists alike. There are many big shopping centers, department stores and supermarkets in and around Xi'an city - the biggest and most comprehensive being Kai Yuan Shopping Mall and Century Ginwa Shopping Mall. The night life in Xi'an has a unique glamour(魅力). Traditional ways include enjoying the night scenery around the Bell Tower, taking part in a Tang Dynasty Dinner Show, strolling on the ancient Big Wild Goose Pagoda Square and watching the music fountain performance. More modern and fashionable ways include singing in the KTV, hanging out in a bar, or dancing in a Disco. All in all, any experience in this ancient city will bring you fun and possibly a little surprise.
China and meeting in a life time park
A life time park will be a global science technique achievement exhibition activity that is entrusted department concerned by the host nation government organization or the government to contract for job, is a history is long also compare to influence greatly of trade sex exposition not.Its aim is to promote international community economic,the culture,science technical exchanges and development, making each one join the exhibition a nation can make use of this opportunity publicity an oneself, to whole world demonstration oneself at each construction obtain by realm achieve, extend international association, raise that garden area harmony to hope.So, a life time park will be been the
西安世园会"Olympic" grand occasion of the world economy and science technique field by the 誉.
Since 1851 first batch a life time park will hold in London in England, at afterward of more than 150 year, almost every 12 years there is a life time park will hold, up to now the total amount has already held more than 50s, influence profound. Many life time parks will be remember by people because of
its special building.These building or rise straight from the ground, or open to spread Chen, its generous grand view all sighs the people of this world for the view.They since is the symbol of[with] the meeting topic in a life time park, become a life time park again in the meantime would the thing turn of the permanence is memorial.The 埃菲the 尔iron pagoda of France are an example of the typical models.In 1889, Paris will build up topic tower-埃菲尔iron pagoda for a life time park.In the days to come, the 埃菲尔iron pagoda became the permanent symbol of Frances then.But"99 half-hardy expositions in world in Kunming"s same in our China left a thing to turn for us of the permanence is memorial-Kunming a life time 博park.
More than 100 in the last yearses, numerous nations contend for doing meeting in a life time park, its concrete reason returns knot at 5:00:It a, the host nation can push own product and the technique toward international market, the development international trade and technique cooperate;It two, the host nation can extend international association, raising an own international position;It three, the host nation is an opportunity now spacious range of experience, advanced science technique in the study all countries;It four, sponsor meeting in a life time park will arouse and promote that city city construction;End, the host nation can acquire a better economic performance.For this, China that reforms to open holds tight this chance, it hands over in century of held a large-scale world horticulture to read extensively grand occasion successfully in 1999.
With CHEN2 YANG2 SHI4 City spends the iron flower that the rose,the Earth,tool machine revolves to splash for chemical element, free person's form, the expression ecosystem,vitality and 腾fly of concept, the implied meaning wears person and nature of harmonious of beautiful,CHEN2 YANG2 remit to melt mutually with world mutually.
The magpie is a Chinese nation the bird of the traditional good luck,pleased luck.Magpie inside the botanical garden became a cluster today be CHEN2 YANG2 the clear certificate of the good nature, the image of the mascot has the reliability,nature and native first.The small magpie in the diagram launches a pair of wings, emerging CHEN2 YANG2 well of close with,the enthusiasm and elegant appearance, express to make"CHEN2 YANG2 SHI4's park would"
and today bring the carriage of people in whole country,whole world new CHEN2 YANG2's various prosperous matters with pleased spirit together.
Four greatest topic building:The wing of the bulb of lily tower comprehensive building 凤in the rose park
Three greatest special features view:The artificial view natural ecosystem view strand water is a view wetly
23 international exhibition parks:The Korean park is idea benefit in park in Canadian park, Malaysia park Singapore park Pakistan park Turkey park Bolivia park Kenya park Australia park the United States(bulb of lily) in Russian park in Nepalese park in Burma park in Thai park in French park in German park, Greece park in Japanese park, India park in park park in the park England(the orthopedics plant), big(mesa) park Holland(the 宿root flower) North Korea
53 local exhibition parks:Peking park Tienjin park Qingdao park 济south park stone house manor too original park ZHENG4 ZHOU YUAN2 Nanking park Shanghai park Hangzhou park rather wave director of a kindergarten sand park the Wuhan park match south 昌of fatty park the Guangzhou park Shenzhen park bead sea park Xiamen park Fuzhou park south of park rather a park WEN ZHOU YUAN2 to become all a park a Xian park expensive sun park the silver 川the park shout with 浩especially the park Hong Kong the park Macau park the Taiwanese park seaport, park is heavy to celebrate the park west of the park Kunming rather the park pull the 萨park the 兰state the park Urumqi a park full clan romantic feeling the park saddle the mountain park originally river park camp park bottle gourd island park dynasty sun park iron 岭park Harbin the park is long spring park Dalian park 启luck park 锦state park 丹east park dish 锦park 辽sun park the 阜is new park
24 particularly type exhibition park:Section 普park rose park flower arrangement park environmental
protection park peony 芍in loose 杉park in colourful leaf's park in fleur-de-lis park view orchard lilac park wood 兰park medicine grass park 杜娟park in the cherry garden medicine park appreciates 阴in the stone park to living the botanical garden lawn the botanical garden hydrophyte the park rock plant the tree specimen in the agriculture park in the area Liaoning teenager in park the ecosystem cultural the park northeast a rare plant(ginseng) park