Winning the championship was a great personal triumph for this young tennis player. 赢得冠军对这个年轻的网球运动员来说是很大的个人成就。
Pledge   vt.发誓;作保证
The new president pledged to cut taxes and increase employment. 新总统承诺要削减税收、增加就业。                              n.[C](尤指公开或正式作出的)誓言,誓约;保证
All the candidates have given pledges not to raise taxes if they are elected. 所有的候选人都保证如果他们当选,他们不会提高税收。
foundation  n.[C] 基础
The course gives students a solid foundation in English writing skills. 这门课为学生的英语写作能力打下了坚实的基础。
resource          n.1 [C] 资源
Museums are important resources for teaching history. 博物馆为历史教学提供重要资料来源。                          2 [C, usu. pl.]自然资源
Many of these countries are rich in natural resources such as iron and coal. 这些国家许多国家都拥有丰富的诸如铁和煤炭这样的自然资源。
pursue          vt.1 追求;致力于
He wanted to pursue a bachelor’s degree after working for two years. 他想工作两年以后再去读学士学位      2 追赶;追逐
The police officer pursued the speeding car and eventually stopped it with the help of another police car. 这名警官追赶一辆超速行驶的车,最终在另一辆警车的协助下,截下了那辆车。
yield            vt.1产生(结果等)
Our research has only recently begun to yield important results. 我们的研究最近才取得重要成果。
                  2 出产;产生
The tourist industry yielded an estimated $20 million for the area last year. 去年旅游业为这一地区带来了估计两千万美元的收益。                vi.屈从;让步
The hijackers finally yielded to demands to release the passengers. 劫机者最终同意了释放乘客的要求。
prosperous                                            a.富裕的;繁荣的;兴旺的
Sales have grown fastest in the more prosperous areas of the south. 销售额在南部较富裕的地区增长最快。
reap the benefits (of sth.)
enjoy the advantages of sth. 得享(某事物的)好处
The town was still reaping the benefits years after the film’s release. 电影发行好几年后这个小镇仍在受益。
take pleasure in (doing) sth.
He took great pleasure in his work. 他从工作中得到了很大的乐趣。
feel overwhelmed by sth不知所措
await      vt.1 等待;等候
The little boy was still awaiting his father’s return when the clock struck 11. 当时钟敲响11 点时,那个小男孩仍在等着他爸爸回来。        2(某事)将降临到…身上
The biggest surprise awaiting the birthday girl is that her father is flying to London for her birthday. 那个过生日的女孩即将得到的最大惊喜是她爸爸将飞到伦敦来为她庆祝生日。
vehicle  n.[C] 交通工具;车辆
embarrass                            vt.(尤指在社交场合)使尴尬,使窘迫
I felt embarrassed, going to the wrong classroom on the first day of college. 大学的第一天我走错了教室,感到非常尴尬。
charity        n.1 [U]  慈善事业
All the money raised by the concert will go to charity. 这次音乐会的收入将全部用于慈善事业。
    2 [C]  慈善机构;慈善团体
He invested a big sum of money in setting up a charity in his hometown. 他投了一大笔钱在家乡创建了一家慈善机构。
toss      vt.扔;掷;抛
The children tossed the ball to each other. 孩子们互相把球抛来抛去。
emotional   a.1情绪激动的(尤指哭泣)
Grandpa gets very emotional whenever he talks about the war in which he fought many years ago. 每当谈及他多年前曾亲身参加的那场战争时,爷爷就会变得情绪激动。
2  情绪(上)的;情感(上)的
The event had absolutely no emotional effect on me. 这件事对我的情绪绝对没有影响。
free of/from  无…的;摆脱了…的
We need to create a relaxing atmosphere, free of tension. 我们需要创造一种没有压力的轻松氛围。
They claim all the drinks are free of artificial colorings 他们称所有的饮料都不含人工素。
reverse oneself(争论中)改变主意/立场
Suddenly, he reversed himself completely. 突然,他完全改变了立场。
straighten up    1 把…弄整洁
As usual, she helped her mother clear away the dishes and straighten up the room. 跟平时一样,她帮助妈妈清理碗碟,并把屋子收拾整洁。
2 直起身
I straightened up and the ache in my back grew worse.我直起身,背部的疼痛加剧了。
with open arms
When I went to see my boyfriend’s parents for the first time, they welcomed me with open arms. 我第一次去见男友的父母时受到了他们的热情欢迎。
fleet  n.[C]车队;机;船队
Survivors were taken to a hospital in a fleet of ambulances. 幸存者被救护车队送往医院。
FedEx has a fleet of trucks. 联邦快递有卡车车队。
access  n.[U]享用权;享用机会
Students and faculty in the university have free access to the computer lab. 大学的学生和教职员工可以免费使用那个机房。
Access to up-to-date information is essential to our research. 利用最新信息对我们的研究至关重要。
She majored in accounting when she was an undergraduate student. 她读本科时学的是会计。
indispensable a.不可缺少的;必不可少的
Good dictionaries are indispensable in English learning. 对英语学习来说,好词典是必不可少的。
She is indispensable to the project; without her involvement we could not continue our work. 她对这个项目来说不可或缺,没有她参与我们就无法继续工作了。
regulate  vt.1控制;管理
Legal and economic measures should be taken to regulate the food industry. 必须采取法律和经济手段来管理食品行业。
2 调整;校准;调节
Can you regulate the pace of this watch so that it keeps good time? 你能不能调一下这块表,让它走得准一些?