1  Let's hang on to those old photographs.咱们就留着那些旧照片吧。
2  Many young people gravitate to the cities in search of work.许多年轻人被吸引到城里工作
3  I distain to do it.我不屑于做。
4  I'm in a terrible predicament.我的处境十分尴尬。
5  Now that everyone knew the truth, the only thing to do was to brazen it out.既然大家都知道真相了,只好硬着头皮撑过去。
6  He has a flair for languages.他有学语言的天分。
7  It's not difficult once you get the hang of it.你掌握了要领就不难了。
8  Words fail me.我无法用言语表达我的感受。
9  I want you her by two o'clock without fail.我要你两点钟务必来到这里。
10  He writes every week without fail.他每周必定写信。
11  The more expensive articles are not necessarily better.较贵的东西不见得就好。
12  Not necessarily.未必。
13  We'll discuss this when you're in a better frame of mind.你心情好些时我们再讨论这件事。
14  Making money came naturally to him.赚钱对他来说轻而易举。
15  Sometimes you have to settle for second best.有时候我们只能退而求其次。
16  My mum'll have hysterics when she sees the color of my hair.
17  He had a sudden sinking feeling in the pit of his stomach.他内心深处有一种不详之感。
18  Who's game to try?谁愿意来试试?
19  If you lose your job, you'll only have yourself to blame.如果你丢了工作,你只能责怪你自己。
20  Don't blame me.别怪我。
21  We wish you a speedy recovery.我们祝愿你早日康复。
22  It's all swings and roundabouts.有得必有失。
23  The idea of eating meat was repugnant to her.一想到吃肉她就想吐。
24  Schools will bear the brunt of cuts in government spending.政府要削减开支,学校将首当其冲受到影响。
25  For me, life had lost its savor.对我来说,生活已失去乐趣。
26  I can't believe that anyone would sink to such depths.我无法相信竟有人能堕落到这种程度。
27  How could you sink so low? 你怎么能堕落到这种地步?
28  Emboldened by the wind, he went over to introduce himself to her.他借酒壮胆,走上前去向她作自我介绍。
29  His remarks were clearly beyond the pale.他的话显然太过分了。
30  I bear you no ill will. 我对你没有敌意。
31  You gave me a scare.你吓了我一跳。
32  She wore a perpetually martyred expression.她总是那么一副可怜兮兮的样子。
33  They have the edge on us.他们略胜我们一筹。
34  I just got a charley horse in my leg.我的腿抽筋了。
35  I could do that blindfold.我做这事易如反掌。
发誓的英文36  Her eyes were glistening with tears.她眼里闪着晶莹的泪花。
37  She reads avidly.她如饥似渴地阅读。
38  One can make the same mistake once even twice but never thrice. 可以再一再二,决不可再三再四。
39  Study is like a boat sailing against the current. Which do you want , sink or swim? 学习犹如逆水行舟,不进则退。你是想进步,还是倒退?
40  We wish each other a long time so as to share the beauty of the graceful moonlight,even though miles apart 。但愿人长久,千里共婵娟。
41  The void is a mirror, I see my face and feeling loathing and horror. 这一空虚犹如明镜,我从中照见自己的脸,我感到厌恶以及恐惧。
42  If I could steal this moment forever。 如果我能深藏此刻到永远;若我能向上帝借得此刻;若彼刻可永驻;如果我可以永远地偷走这个瞬间。
43  At your pleasure! 随你便。
44  As soon as a thing reaches its extremity, it reverses its course. /Things will develop in the opposite direction when they become extreme. 物极必反。
45  Diligence is the mother of good luck, and God gives all things to industry.(Franklin)勤奋是幸运之母,上帝将万物赐予勤劳。
46  Grief is a species of idleness.忧愁是一种懒惰。
47  I can't be fagged out (to do sth.)(让我做某事)我可吃不消。
48  No one can be in a plain sailing. Setback is the way of our life.
48  Modesty helps one to go forward, whereas conceit makes one lag behind. 虚心使人进步,骄傲使人落后。
50  You know it is all Greek to me.你知道我对它一窍不通。
51  Why are you in the pouts? 你为什么不太高兴?
52  I didn't mean it, honest! 我不是有意的,真的。
53  Honest to God, I'm not joking.老天爷作证,我不是开玩笑的。
54  With a nod and a smile, she took leave of her friends.她点头微笑着向朋友们告辞。
55  You took the words right out of my mouth.你把我想说的说了。