I'll get coffee. Want anything, baby doll?  我要点咖啡外带 洋娃娃,你也要吗?
I'm fine. Thanks.  不用了,谢谢
I can't pull off "baby doll," can l?  我不能叫你洋娃娃吧
No,I think we learned that from the "sugar lips" incident.  对,从那次甜甜嘴事件 我们已经学到教训了
I'll make some tea.  我去点茶来喝
How you doing,pumpkin?  小亲亲,你好吗?
行不通  小亲亲,你好吗?
-So it's going well for you two? -I know. Really well.  你们俩看起来越来越好了呢 我知道,真的很好
I'm gonna ask Phoebe to move in with me.  其实我正想要菲比搬来我家
What do you think?  你觉得呢?
It's great! When will you ask her?  这真是太棒了 你何时要问她?发誓的英文
Tonight. But don't say anything.  今天晚上,你先别透露喔
I swear. I promise.  我发誓不说,人格担保…
I'm so excited!  天啊,我超兴奋的
But listen,do not get her flowers, okay?  我跟你说,记得不要送她花
Because she cries when they die. Then there's the whole funeral.  因为花谢了她会哭 还会帮花办葬礼之类的
-I'll see you after work,sweetie. -Okay. Bye.  亲爱的,下班后再见 好,再见
So, what movie should we see?  我们应该去看什么电影?
Gary's gonna ask you to move in with him!  盖瑞要请你搬去跟他住
What? Really?  什么?真的吗?
He made me promise not to tell, but I couldn't hold it in any longer!  他刚才在吧台上跟我说的 他要我保证不会说出去 但我实在是憋不住
I can't believe this.  我不敢相信
Right? Because it's fast. Because it's so fast. It's fast.  对,因为太快了,太快…
Relax. It's Phoebe, not you.  别激动,是菲比,又不是你
Good for you, Phoebe. Way to go.  菲比,很厉害,有一套
No, but it is fast, isn't it?  不过真的是很快,对吧?
-I like him, but I'm not ready. -So,what are you gonna do?  我是很喜欢他没错 但我还没有准备好要同居 那你打算怎么办?
I don't know. I'll just handle it. I'll ask you to talk to him!  不知道,兵来将挡 干脆你去和他说!
Me? Why me?  我?为何是我?
Because you are so afraid of commitment.  因为你怕死了给承诺
You talk to him. Make him scared like you, make him a man.  你去跟他说说 让他跟你一样怕 让他成为一个…男人
I'll try, but I'm not sure what good it'd do.  我会去试试 但我不确定会多有用
I'm less afraid of commitment than I used to be.  因为比起以前 我现在已经不很害怕承诺了
That is so sweet.  真是太甜蜜了
Still terrified. I'll take care of it.  还是很怕 但我会处理,没问题
The One With the Ball  本集播出:“同居大不行”
44  罗斯,斯塔顿岛真的是岛吗?
That's why they call it Staten "lsland."  是啊,所以才叫斯塔顿“岛”
Oh,I thought it was like Long lsland.  我还以为那跟长岛一样
Also an island.  长岛也是岛
-What time is it? -2:17.  几点了? 2点17分
We haven't dropped this ball for an hour.  你知道吗?我们丢这个球连续一小时都没有漏接落地
Are you serious?  你是认真的?
I realized it a half-hour ago, but I didn't say anything.  对,我半小时前就发现了 之所以没说
I didn't wanna jinx it.  是怕坏了好事
We are pretty good at this.  我们还真会丢接球呢
We totally forgot about lunch.  我们完全忘了吃午餐
That's the first time I've ever missed a meal.  这是我第一次忘记吃饭
I think my pants are a little loose.  对,我的裤子都有点松了
Hey,you guys. Is Monica here?  嗨,摩妮卡在吗?
I bought something. I'm not sure she'll like it.  我带了东西回来 我不确定她会喜欢
It may seem crazy, but I've wanted this since I was a little girl.  听起有点奇怪 那个东西我从小就想要了
You bought Shaun Cassidy!  你带的是史恩卡希迪? (歌手)
No. I wish!  不是,我也希望是
Okay,you ready?  你们准备好了没? 好了
那好  你们准备好了没? 好了
Check it out.  请看!
What is it?  那是啥啊?
What the hell is that?  什么鬼东西?
It's a cat.  这是猫啊
That is not a cat!  这才不是猫
Yes,it is!  这就是猫啊
Why is it inside out?  它的皮怎么翻出来了?
Excuse me!  帮帮忙
But this is a purebred, show-quality sphinx cat.  这可是展示级的 纯种狮身人面猫
How much did you pay for that?  你花了多少钱买的?
It was extravagant, but I got a good deal.  有点奢侈 但我谈到了很好的价钱
-How much? -Thousand bucks.  多少钱? 一千美元
On a cat?  买一只猫?
It's not a cat!  那才不是猫!
For a thousand dollars, you'd think at least it'd come with hair.  花一千元起码也要有毛才对
Or something.  或是其他有的没的
All right. Listen, ball boys.  你们这两个玩球的给我听好
My grandma had one when I was little. It was the sweetest thing.  我小时候祖母就养了这种猫 它们最讨人喜欢了
It would sit in my lap and just purr all day long.  超可爱的,躺在我的膝盖上 整天满足地喵喵叫
I would drag a string and it would chase it.  我还会拿鞋带在地上拖 让它追着跑
Free cats do that too, you know.  不要钱的猫也会那样
It's not a cat!  那才不是猫!
I'm really excited about this,okay? I don't care what you think.  反正我买得很兴奋 我才不管你们怎么想
I'm gonna set up a litter box for Mrs. Whiskerson.  我要去帮威丝克森太太 张罗出一个小猫砂盒
What am I gonna call her? Fluffy?  不然我要叫它“毛毛”吗?
Do you wanna get something to eat, or see how long we can throw this ball?  你要去吃点东西吗? 还是要看我们能来回丢多久?
The ball thing.  继续丢球 是喔
Wouldn't it be great if we could go for two hours without dropping it?  若我们连丢两小时不落地 那样是不是棒?
Yeah,it would!  对喔
Let's do it.  来吧 好
I have to pee.  我要尿尿
And Rachel's in the bathroom!  瑞秋却在洗手间里
Man,I didn't think we'd make it.  没想到这样也行
I know.  是啊
Don't switch hands, okay?  你别换手喔
Hey, ladies. What are you in here for?  小,你们在这里干嘛?
What are you doing here?  钱德,你来这里干嘛?