Once upon a time, there was an old king. When he was very young, his family was so poor that there was not even a straw mat on his kang.When he became king, he vowed to be the richest king in the world.The king now has as much treasure as the sand on the beach, but his desire has never stopped.One day one of his ministers said to the king, "My dearest king, I am going to present you with a map of a treasure house. It is said that there is more treasure than could fit into the whole palace."The king was so excited that he asked the minister, "Who will help me get the treasure?"The minister thought for a while and said, "The place where the treasure is hidden is tens of thousands of li away from here.The king's three sons heard the minister say, "Father, we three brothers have the character of determination, we will find the treasure for you."The king agreed to the princes' request in order to get the treasure.The three princes set out with the soldiers, carrying the treasure map in their arms.The king's three princes were all very good.The eldest prince was the bes
t swordsman in the kingdom. He also managed the whole garden of the palace and was an excellent gardener.The second prince was very fond of astronomy, and he was also very good at agriculture. He was in charge of the agriculture of the whole kingdom.The little prince is a traveler who has been to many parts of the world, bringing advanced technology and some seeds back to his own country.The princes set out.Just leave few days, the sun is shining, princes and sometimes in the broad road, a flock of magpies on the roadside in the woods, and walked along the narrow road, heterozygous weeds across their knees, in full bloom the flowers to them, if there is a fairy will can't help jumped to their singing, but no fairy song,Let's listen to the call of the larks, and their call will send your heart flying into the clouds.The three brothers saw the treasure hunt as a warrior's adventure.They conquered mountain after mountain, river after river.Their hearts were freer than the clouds of heaven, and even the wayside flowers envied their happiness.As they walked and sang, they came to a forest, where they saw a woodcutter cutting wood; but the tree was so large that his axe was caught in the middle, and could not be drawn out.The eldest prince took out his sword and easily cut down the tree.The w发誓的英文
oodcutter thanked the princes, and said, "I will use this piece of wood to make a pair of wooden shoes. My newly married wife is on the other side of the swamp. In order to bring her to me, I will make a pair of wooden shoes, so that I can cross the swamp and bring her back safely."And he told them that a monster lived in the swamp, and ate a young man every month.The three princes told the woodcutter that they should pass by, and he gave them a pair of wooden shoes which were on his feet, so small that only the little prince could wear them. The three princes would not bow to a swamp.It is a boundless swamp, the surface looks so calm seems to have a little beautiful, but in fact here is the devil with a wide mouth.The three brave men went resolutely into the marsh. They walked carefully. The marsh did not seem so dangerous as it seemed, and they dropped white dust where they had gone to serve as a guidepost on their return.When they were halfway across the marsh, the eldest prince got stuck in the marsh, and when the two princes went to pull him up, the mud was over his head.The two princes took a sad leave of the elder prince, and they had to go on. When they came out of the swamp, half the soldiers were already in the swamp.The two princes did not grieve much over the loss of t
heir eldest brother. They thought he was still with them and happy.They came to a small village near the desert. It was still the height of summer, when rice should be growing most vigorously, but the rice in the village was dried and could be lit by a fire.A thin old man told the second prince, "We have had no harvest for several years. Many people in the village have starved to death. The rest are just scraping by."The second prince, who was an expert in agriculture, said to the old man, "You are in a climate of drought, so you need to plant seeds that can withstand drought. I will send you some barley seeds, which are very resistant to drought, and you will have a good harvest next year."The thin old man was grateful to the two princes, and gave them a water bag made of sheepskin, in which the water would not spoil and would be as good as fresh spring water.The old man told the prince that in the desert ahead, there was a ghost under every sand dune, and when they arrived in the desert, people would hear their cries.The two princes, not to be frightened by a few ghosts, set out again.After a few more days they felt the heat of the desert.Soon after entering the desert, the sand, which was as hot as charcoal, blistered the prince's feet.The prince washed himself with the water in the sheepskin bag and felt
much better.They would also give spring water from sheepskin bags to scalded soldiers.Big desert is the hardest to bear the heat, as head of the sun as a stove roasted skin, baked the people, the last few days they take water has to be finished, the second prince gave the little prince, only water when they insist on not go down, luckily, they met an oasis in the desert, the prince saw the cool spring began to fierce to drink it,When he had drunk enough, he did not die in the desert, but in an oasis.The little prince buried his brother under a breadfruit tree so that he would never be thirsty again.The last soldier also stayed behind in the desert, and he began the journey with only one champion.The little prince took out the treasure map from his bosom. According to the instructions on the map, he knew that he was getting closer and closer to the treasure. According to the mark on the map, he finally came to the forest where the treasure was hidden.The little prince was not very excited by his mountain of treasure, which shone like sand on the beach.He saw the hole with a myriad of gold, the little prince to see them as the golden chrysanthemum let a person enchanted, white is better than silver tree full of sophora japonica, the little prince to see tired the treasures of the earth, and he looked up and saw
the high post, there's a shiny crown, he wanted to give it to the king, the king will be glad to.But the crown was too high up from the ground, so he piled the gold on top of it. So much gold went up and up, and when he stepped on it, he reached the crown on the pillar.The little prince put the crown in his bosom, and left the map in the cave. He did not want anyone else to die for the treasure.The little prince did not grieve over his journey alone. He believed that his brothers had not left him, and that he was still talking to them, walking and talking, as happy as when he had come.Again when he came to the desert, the prince has become the prince in the desert, he let all the sand to quiet down, let the clouds concealed the sun in the sky, thin light rain moistens the lips of the little prince, the little prince very comfortably through the desert, the little prince knew he, his brother will live very happy here, he has to say goodbye to my brother.Returned to the small village, the little prince was another year of autumn, they have harvest crops, they use the best Man Man to entertain the little prince, then they sent a bag pie, the little prince this bread without water, can eat a year also can't bad, the little prince said goodbye to the kind villagers started again.The little prince came to the swamp, then the prince has become t
he prince of the swamp, he defeated the monster in the swamp, he did not want the swamp in harm.He had his servant place him at the bottom of the marsh, and put up his hands to pave the way for the little prince, who could feel very well which hands were his, and who he knew would be happy there. He took leave of him and set out again.