立誓言英文翻译为 "Take an oath" 或 "Make an oath",其中 "oath" 意为誓言或宣誓
1. He took an oath to protect the country's constitution.
2. Before entering the medical profession, doctors take an oath to do no harm to their patients.
3. As a witness in court, you will be required to make an oath to tell the truth.
4. The soldiers took an oath of loyalty to their commanding officer and country.
5. To become a citizen, applicants must make an oath of allegiance to the country.
6. The president made an oath to uphold the laws of the land and serve the people.
7. Before starting her term, the new judge was required to take an oath of office.
8. When taking a job at the company, employees are asked to make an oath to protect confidential information.
9. The athletes made an oath to compete fairly and with sportsmanship in the Olympic Ga
10. With his hand on the Bible, the president-elect took an oath of office to become the next leader of the country.