Don't talk to strangers on the road。Don't accept any food or drink from strangers。Whenever you leave your seat。make sure to pour out the remaining water in your cup when you come back!" My family repeated these warnings to me before I left to attend a conference in Xinjiang last summer。a journey of over 3,000 kilometers without any ns.
As I entered the compartment。I felt nervous about who I would encounter on this journey。A man entered with his four or five-year-old daughter。followed by a ten-year-old boy who was bouncing around with his mother。The overall environment seemed good。and I relaxed a bit.邻居的线观高清2
赠品采购Late at night。I locked the door and placed my handbag under the pillow before lying down。Unknowingly。it was already deep into the night。In a drowsy state。I heard the sound of the door lock being twisted。and then a "clatter" as the door was opened。I quickly became alert and nervous。A dark。burly man poked his head in。and in the dim light of the passage。I could see his fierce appearance。The other people in the compartm
ent were still asleep。and I was scared out of my wits。trembling all over。He probed around and then squeezed into the compartment。I found the courage to shout。"What are you doing?"
怎样设置代理服务器I。I got on the train," the man was startled by my shout。and then he dragged his luggage in。It turned out that he was really just getting on the train。It was a false alarm!
In the morning。I quickly checked under my pillow and found my bag still there。After eating a simple breakfast。I lay down and read a book。Every time I left the compartment。I poured out the remaining water in my cup。In this kind of environment。being us was not a big deal.
氤氲什么意思淘师湾作业网登录In the compartment。the two children were playing while the adults were quiet。When I took out some snacks。I wanted to give some to the children。but I was afraid of being rejected。so I held back。I thought that before they got on the train。their parents must have warned them countless times not to accept food from strangers.
冷门赚钱Auntie。why don't you come down and play?" The little girl looked up at me with her big eyes。blinking.